Search Tag: car
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Digital future for UK roads network focus of new Commission study
Harnessing the potential of digitally connected autonomous cars and commercial vehicles to increase road safety, tackle congestion and improve the accessibility of transport services will be the focus of a new National Infrastructure Commission study on connected and automated mobility (CAM). The government has today (12 February) published the terms of reference for the study,...
Connected and automated mobility
A study exploring the implications of this emerging technology for the future management of the UK's roads and digital infrastructure.
Steer – Urban transport capacity, demand and cost
Steer – Interurban transport connectivity assessment
Interurban transport advice note on roads policy
An interim report for the second National Infrastructure Assessment focusing on roads policy as part of a future integrated transport strategy.
Charge point access remains key to expanding EV rollout
In the first National Infrastructure Assessment, the Commission made a number of recommendations about the rollout of Electric Vehicle (EVs) chargepoints, including prioritising a national rapid-charging network, allocating more local authority parking spaces for charging, and investing in a smarter electricity network. Around the same time, the Government’s Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV)...
Historic Transport Datasets
The Commission's Historic Transport Dataset provides select data on Britain's transport sector spanning back as far as 1870.
Performance Measures
Data the Commission uses to assess the performance of the UK’s infrastructure systems and the services they provide.
Interim (2015) National Infrastructure Assessment: Transport Modelling
Data on road and rail traffic, and modelled projections.