Search Tag: floods
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Jim Hall: new picture on flood risk shows need for concerted action
The Environment Agency has today (17 December) published details of its National Assessment of Flood and Coastal Erosion risk in England. This makes use of improved national flood risk assessment (NaFRA2) data that shows, among other things, that 6.3m homes are in areas at risk of river, sea or surface water flooding, of which around...
Funding allocation reforms “step forward” for flood resilience
The government has today (13 November) announced plans to reform the funding of flood risk management, alongside a review of the existing formula to ensure it addresses the flood protection challenges of businesses, and rural and coastal communities. In response Professor Jim Hall, Commissioner at the National infrastructure Commission, said: “We welcome government’s commitment to...
Developing resilience standards in UK infrastructure
New analysis by the Commission which identifies where the current gaps in resilience standards are puts forward ideas on how government could address them
Government response on surface water flooding risk “does not meet scale of challenge”
The government has today (13 March 2024) responded to the Commission’s study on reducing the risks of surface water flooding, published in November 2022. While it accepts the principles behind a number of the Commission’s recommendations, the government’s response – in the Commission’s view – makes few new commitments on steps to manage surface water...
Hall: Measurable approach to flood risk “essential”
The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee has warned that the continued lack of a national standard for flood resilience is undermining government’s efforts to boost the country’s resilience to sea and river flooding. Its new report Resilience to flooding also raises concerns that inflation and excessive bureaucracy will reduce the number of major flood...
Jim Hall: Clarity on funding, clear targets crucial to long term flood resilience
A value for money report on flood resilience in England published by the National Audit Office today (15 November) warns that under current Environment Agency plans, forty per cent fewer properties in England will be protected from flooding compared to the number first forecast in 2020. The Resilience to flooding report finds that the Environment...
Government expenditure on economic infrastructure
Data showing past government expenditure on economic infrastructure within the scope of the Commissions fiscal remit
Go big where it counts to hit economic and climate goals, says Commission
Government must develop stronger staying power and focus on fewer, bigger, better targeted initiatives to deliver the infrastructure needed to meet its long term goals for economic growth and a lower carbon economy, the UK’s independent advisers on infrastructure have said. The last year has seen progress towards major infrastructure objectives “stutter further just as...
Commission welcomes move to more sustainable drainage for new developments
The government has today (10 January 2023) announced its intention to implement Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act in England (subject to consultation). This shift in policy will make sustainable drainage solutions the default for almost all new developments in England, and make the right to connect surface water runoff to public...
600,000 properties face future flooding without action to reduce urban runoff and improve drainage systems
Stricter controls on new property developments alongside up to £12bn of investment in drainage infrastructure over the next thirty years will be necessary to stop thousands more homes and businesses from flooding due to inadequate drainage, according to a new report by the National Infrastructure Commission. Localised floods across England last month alongside a series...
Reducing the risk of surface water flooding
The final report of the study on surface water flooding concludes that stricter controls on new property developments alongside up to £12bn of investment in drainage infrastructure over the next thirty years will be necessary to stop thousands more homes and businesses from flooding due to inadequate drainage
Surface water flooding modelling technical annex: investment analysis
Surface water flooding
A study exploring how responsible bodies in England can better manage and mitigate surface water flooding.