Search Tag: NIA
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Broad coalition of public and private bodies back Commission’s vision for infrastructure
The Second National Infrastructure Assessment, published today, has already attracted broad support from a range of membership and representative bodies, as well as experts from across the sectors in the Commission’s remit. A selection of comments can be found below. The Commission is grateful to all of the many organisations it has consulted during the...

National Infrastructure Assessment
An analysis of the UK’s long term economic infrastructure needs, outlining a strategic vision over the next thirty years.

Better infrastructure for all, with the emphasis on all
Christmas may be a traditional time for warm words. But this blog is about moving beyond warm words to a deeper understanding of how economic infrastructure can best serve the needs of all members of society. Let me offer just one example. As we approach the shortest day of the year, there will be people...

Timeline for second National Infrastructure Assessment announced
The UK’s second National Infrastructure Assessment will be published in the second half of 2023 and consultation and analysis to inform its recommendations will commence this autumn, the National Infrastructure Commission has confirmed. The Commission’s Corporate Plan for the next three years, published today, sets out the process it will follow to develop a comprehensive...

Growth across regions
How the Commission sees the relationship between economic infrastructure and local economic growth.