Search Tag: wind power
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Planning changes can support renewables expansion
The government has today announced changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the over-arching policies which outline the government’s priorities for the planning system in England. Though largely focused on changes to support the government’s housing goals, the framework also includes new guidance relating to the planning system for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs),...
Cornwall’s green energy ambitions
Members of the Commission secretariat travelled to Truro on Tuesday (6 June) for discussions with local political leaders, infrastructure operators and businesses and voluntary sector bodies from across the county – and energy was high up the agenda. Hosted by senior officials from Cornwall Council and joined by the leader and chief executive, the session...
Historic Energy Datasets
The Commission's Historic Energy Dataset provides data on the UK’s energy history spanning back as far as the year 1700.
Renewables, Recovery, and Reaching Net Zero
Datasets including modelled projections of electricity system costs, consumer bills, capital investments and energy generation.
Interim (2015) National Infrastructure Assessment: Energy Modelling
Data on electricity demand and consumption, and modelled projections.