Connected Future

Status:Final report complete.  

A report on the interventions required to position the UK as a world leader in 5G deployment.


In March 2016, the National Infrastructure Commission was asked to consider what the UK needs to do to become a world leader in 5G deployment, and to ensure that the UK can take early advantage of the potential applications of 5G services.

The Commission’s central finding, set out in the final report Connected Future, is that mobile connectivity has become a necessity. The market has driven great advances since the advent of the mobile phone but government must now play an active role to ensure that basic services are available wherever we live, work and travel, and our roads, railways and city centres must be made 5G ready as quickly as possible.

Final Report

Connected Future

The Commission’s report makes a series of recommendations for ensuring the UK is 5G ready.

Read the full report

thumbnail of Connected Future Report

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14 Mar 2016

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Explore data used in the Commission's research, and gain insights from across UK infrastructure