National Infrastructure Assessment 1   |   Report

International infrastructure governance

Research by Arup into infrastructure decision making in a range of countries relevant to the British context.

Tagged: Design & FundingNational Infrastructure Assessment

The National Infrastructure Commission appointed Arup to undertake research into infrastructure decision-making and consenting in a range of countries that have relevance to the British context.

The report and its findings are based upon a limited sample of case studies and therefore offer a snap-shot of governance related to particular types of infrastructure in particular countries.

The conclusions seek to draw out themes and issues that have relevance to the UK consenting process and may be of interest to policy makers. Arup completed their work over the period April 2017 through to July 2017.

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Man among huge solar power plant

Status:  Completed

National Infrastructure Assessment 1

An assessment of the United Kingdom's infrastructure needs up to 2050.

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