National Infrastructure Assessment process and methodology: Commission response to consultation
The Commission's response to a consultation on our approach to the first National Infrastructure Assessment.
On 26 May 2016, the National Infrastructure Commission published a consultation on the process and methodology for putting together the UK’s first ever National Infrastructure Assessment. The consultation closed on 5 August 2016, with the Commission receiving over 170 responses to the questions posed.
Here the Commission sets out its response to that consultation, with annexes setting out the range of views, comments and suggestions received, and the Commission’s response to them. This list does not seek to cover points that are explicitly covered in the main consultation response document, or that are not directly relevant to the NIA methodology and process (e.g. matters that are for the government, or that relate to the substance and recommendations of the NIA).
Status: Completed
National Infrastructure Assessment 1
An assessment of the United Kingdom's infrastructure needs up to 2050.
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