National Infrastructure Assessment 1   |   Report

Preparing for a drier future

Improving the drought resilience of England's water supply.

Tagged: EnvironmentNational Infrastructure AssessmentWater & Floods

A reliable water supply is usually taken for granted, but England risks water shortages as a result of climate change, an increasing population (especially in the drier south and east) and the need to protect the environment.

The water supply system is already strained and the pressure will only rise over the coming decades. This report explores how best to meet this challenge.

The Commission’s central finding is that government should ensure increased drought resilience in England by enhancing the capacity of the water supply system. This will require a twin-track approach combining demand management (including leakage reduction) with long term investment in supply infrastructure.

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Preparing for a drier future: England’s water infrastructure needs

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Status:  Completed

National Infrastructure Assessment 1

An assessment of the United Kingdom's infrastructure needs up to 2050.

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