Net zero: Opportunities for the power sector
The electricity system and the 2050 net zero target
This paper sets out updated evidence and analysis of the electricity system in the context of the 2050 net zero greenhouse gas emissions target. It concludes that the evidence continues to support the recommendations that the Commission made on the power sector in the National Infrastructure Assessment.
In the Assessment, the Commission argued that the best way to achieve a low cost low carbon electricity system for the UK was to deliver at least 50 per cent renewable generation by 2030, as part of the transition to a highly renewable generation mix.
Additionally, the paper sets out analysis of the impact that hydrogen and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage could have if deploying in the power sector. It concludes that these emerging technologies could lower systems costs if deployed in line with assumed cost estimates.
A separate technical annex – under Supporting Evidence – includes links to supporting data commissioned from Aurora Energy Research that support this report.
Aurora Energy Research was commissioned to produce new data modelling of the UK electricity system which supports this report.
This document explains the background methodology adopted by Aurora for this work.
The seven modelling datasets (.xlsx format) are:
- Input assumptions
- H2 electrolysis – annual
- BECCS baseload – annual
- Electricity system – annual
- H2 reformation – annual
- BECCS – flexible
- Electricity system 65% RES in 2030 – annual
The data files in this zip file contain the half hourly results from the modelling for the scenarios analysed.
Net zero: Opportunities for the power sector
Updated evidence and analysis of the electricity system in the context of the 2050 net zero greenhouse gas emissions target.