A ‘London deal for Crossrail 2’ funding agreement, through which London contributes more than half the costs of the scheme and which includes substantial measures to realise the full housing benefits, should be agreed ahead of hybrid bill submission.
It is vital that a funding package for Crossrail 2 is developed which strikes a fair balance between the contributions made by London taxpayers and businesses and by central government. This should build on the work already undertaken by TfL, which indicated that around half the cost of the project could be funded from London sources.
The government should work with TfL and GLA to explore new funding options, which could include consideration of further devolution. However, even without such devolution, HM Treasury should be in a position to recoup significant receipts from the added Gross Value Added (GVA) benefits and the rising value of property in London.
A London deal for Crossrail 2 will need to cover both the funding of the project and the planning measures required to deliver Crossrail 2’s benefits.