Tag: recycling


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Commission welcomes steps to boost recycling in England
Recyclable plastic waste

Commission welcomes steps to boost recycling in England

The Commission is encouraged by the details in a policy update from the government (published on 29 November) setting out its plans to increase reycling rates across England, which address Commission concerns about delays to investment in new recycling capacity. The 2021 Environment Act had introduced powers to implement three key components of a future...

3 Dec 2024 By
Jim Hall: NAO report highlights “stuttering progress” on waste reduction
Rubbish being collected in Rickmansworth

Jim Hall: NAO report highlights “stuttering progress” on waste reduction

The National Audit Office – the independent government spending watchdog – has this morning published a report highlighting what it sees as the lack of significant progress in delivering on the objectives set out in government’s waste management strategy, since its publication in 2018. Its report – The government’s resources and waste reforms for England...

30 Jun 2023 By
Creating a more sustainable approach to infrastructure construction
Demolition of a motorway viaduct

Creating a more sustainable approach to infrastructure construction

For many of us, recycling has become a part of the daily routine. We separate out glass, plastic and cardboard waste into recycling bins, to be collected and reprocessed into new products We donate old clothes to charity shops where they’re given a new lease of life. And put our garden waste in a separate...

1 Jun 2023 By

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