Connected and automated mobility

Status:Evidence gathering.  

A study exploring the policy and infrastructure changes required to maximise benefits of new mobility technology


In November 2023, government asked the Commission to undertake a study on how to ensure connected and self-driving technologies can support the UK’s economic, social and environmental goals.

Automation and connectivity present significant opportunities for delivering improvements to road safety, reducing congestion, improving reliability and accessibility of transport services, and increasing productivity. The way we plan, operate and maintain our infrastructure is crucial to realising these benefits and addressing any challenges and risks.

The Commission’s study will make recommendations on the interventions that may be required on the road network – and across other types of infrastructure – to pursue a pathway towards more widespread adoption and the desired benefits.

The study is expected to focus on the policy and governance that may be needed to effect any necessary changes, while reflecting the uncertainty about technological development. The work will cover both physical and digital infrastructure (including data).

The government’s terms of reference for the study can be found in the tab on the left hand side of this page. The study will not re-consider the legislative, legal and regulatory requirements for the adoption of CAM already established by government, nor how changes affecting vehicle production or service provision fit into the UK’s industrial strategy.

As with all its policy activity, the Commission will engage with stakeholders throughout the study and seek relevant evidence and insights. A call for evidence was published on 24 April setting out a range of questions on which the Commission is seeking evidence from stakeholders; this runs until Monday, 3 June.

It is anticipated that the Commission’s conclusions will be published in around 12 months (February 2025), with an interim report in Summer 2024.

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