Studies & Reports
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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Statement 2024-25
Analysis of the progress achieved in ensuring a more inclusive internal culture and policymaking processes in the Commission.
Cost drivers of major infrastructure projects in the UK
Project exploring how the UK can build economic infrastructure more quickly and cheaply, and compare favourably with its international peers.
Developing resilience standards in UK infrastructure
New analysis by the Commission which identifies where the current gaps in resilience standards are puts forward ideas on how government could address them
Infrastructure Progress Review 2024
Our latest annual review of government progress in delivering its major infrastructure objectives.
Electricity distribution network
A study exploring how the local distribution of electricity can best support the UK's net zero energy goals
Connected and automated mobility
A study exploring the implications of this emerging technology for the future management of the UK's roads and digital infrastructure.
National Infrastructure Assessment
An analysis of the UK’s long term economic infrastructure needs, outlining a strategic vision over the next thirty years.
Infrastructure planning system
A short study reviewing the current processes for reviewing national policy statements for key infrastructure sectors
Interurban transport advice note on roads policy
An interim report for the second National Infrastructure Assessment focusing on roads policy as part of a future integrated transport strategy.
Infrastructure Progress Review 2023
Our annual monitoring report on government progress towards major infrastructure objectives.
Surface water flooding
A study exploring how responsible bodies in England can better manage and mitigate surface water flooding.
Getting cities moving
An interim report for the second National Infrastructure Assessment says cities will need to pursue adaptive transport solutions in response to the uncertainties around transport demand resulting from the recent pandemic.
Quality of life
This discussion paper sets out the Commission's strategic position on the quality of life objective in its remit.
Infrastructure Progress Review 2022
Our annual assessment of the government's progress on implementing its commitments on infrastructure.
Agent based modelling of a heat market
Research by Frontier Economics illustrating how modelling the behaviour of individual 'agents' can support policy making.