Accessibility statement for the National Infrastructure Commission website


This accessibility statement applies to

This website is run by the National Infrastructure Commission. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:

  • change colours, contrast levels and fonts zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen
  • navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
  • navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
  • listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver)

We’ve also tried to make the website text as simple as possible to understand, within the constraints of the subject matter.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

How accessible this website is

We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible:

  • most older PDF documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software
  • some pages include heading elements that are not in a sequentially descending order
  • screen readers may be able to browse and read outside modal windows.

Feedback and contact information

If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille, please contact us and we will do our best to assist:

  • email
  • write to us at National Infrastructure Commission, 4th Floor, Finlaison House, Furnival Street, London EC4A 1AB

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact the communications team.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).

Technical information about this website’s accessibility

The National Infrastructure Commission is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed below.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.

Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations

  • In relation to the ‘social share’ icons on our Insight posts, screen reader focus does not shift automatically to the first element of overlay after selecting “Share” button.
  • In relation to the ‘social share’ icons on our Insight posts, screen readers may not accurately read the content.

This functionality is controlled by the third-party ‘ShareThis’ tool.

Disproportionate burden

  • A number of our earlier reports, research papers and corporate publications are currently only available in PDF format
  • We have considered the limited size of the organisation, the amount of work that would be involved in the reformatting process (especially given the number of charts and graphs included in the documents) and the fact that our remit does not include providing essential services directly to the public
  • On this basis, we have assessed that reformatting documents published before September 2020 (when this website was launched) would be a disproportionate burden. However, as noted above, if you would like to receive a particular document in a different format, we will happily try and assist.

PDFs and other documents

  • As an advisory body to government, none of our publications are necessary for the delivery of essential services to the public. However, we are committed to making our reports available in an accessible format and, from the launch of this site on 23 September 2020, all newly published reports will be made available in HTML format in addition to PDF.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 23 September 2020. It was last reviewed on that date.

This website was last tested on 23 September 2020. The test was carried out by Huxley Digital Ltd.

Our sample of pages to test was based on ensuring content of each type was tested, including our most popular landing pages.

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