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Growth Arc’s economic future “can be secured while protecting the environment”
Picture of the rootops across Oxford University

Growth Arc’s economic future “can be secured while protecting the environment”

The economic future of the arc spanning Cambridge, Milton Keynes and Oxford can be secured while retaining the area’s natural beauty – contrary to claims by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE). In its report published today, the CPRE claims that recommendations put forward by the National Infrastructure Commission for new homes and improved...

25 Oct 2018 By
Commons Committee ‘right to call for action now’ to support electric vehicle roll-out
Two white EV cars charging at a chargepoint

Commons Committee ‘right to call for action now’ to support electric vehicle roll-out

An influential select committee today called on the Government to be more ambitious in encouraging take-up of electric cars, and bring forward their proposals for 100 per cent electric car and van sales from 2040 to 2032 – which would be in line with recommendations in the National Infrastructure Assessment The business, energy and industrial...

18 Oct 2018 By
Armitt welcomes steps towards low-carbon heating as part of wider climate change ambitions
Modern white radiator with thermostat reduced to economy mode

Armitt welcomes steps towards low-carbon heating as part of wider climate change ambitions

Sir John Armitt today welcomed the Government’s announcement of a package of measures to develop greener infrastructure – and encouraged Ministers to go even further. The Chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission highlighted recommendations in the UK’s first-ever National Infrastructure Assessment, to find low-carbon alternatives for natural gas for heating, and to gather further evidence...

14 Oct 2018 By
New water report highlights need for action on leakages and efficiency
Close up of chrome tap, water running

New water report highlights need for action on leakages and efficiency

An influential Commons select committee today calls for water companies to have powers for compulsory water metering – echoing the National Infrastructure Commission’s own findings. Currently, compulsory water metering is only permitted in water-stressed areas.  But today’s report by the House of Commons environment, food and rural affairs select committee argues that this option should...

9 Oct 2018 By
IPCC report shows need for urgent action on climate change
Offshore wind turbines at sea

IPCC report shows need for urgent action on climate change

A new report from the InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights the need for urgent action – including on tackling the environmental impact of infrastructure. The report highlights the potential impact of global temperatures rising by more than 1.5C, and urges action including a switch to 80 per cent renewables by 2050, reducing coal use...

8 Oct 2018 By
Enabling work near-complete on ‘vital’ East-West rail link
Mainline railway in Oxfordshire

Enabling work near-complete on ‘vital’ East-West rail link

Enabling works are near completion on a key section of the former “Varsity Line” between Oxford and Cambridge today, reaching a milestone in meeting the National Infrastructure Commission’s recommendations for supporting future economic prosperity across the growth arc. The Commission’s “Partnering for Prosperity” report, published nearly a year ago, highlighted the need to improve both...

4 Oct 2018 By
Rise in electric car sales shows need for truly national charging network
Two white EV cars charging at a chargepoint

Rise in electric car sales shows need for truly national charging network

New figures today show a 3.9 per cent increase in the sale of electric, hybrid and hybrid plug-in cars in September compared with the same month last year, underlining the growing demand in the market – and the need for a truly, national visible charging network to enable growth in electric vehicle sales to continue in...

4 Oct 2018 By
New regulation study to help find the right conditions for future infrastructure innovation
Electricity pylon silhouette

New regulation study to help find the right conditions for future infrastructure innovation

The National Infrastructure Commission is to examine regulation of the UK’s energy, telecoms and water industries, to ensure the necessary levels of investment and innovation whilst these critical services are kept affordable for everyone. The regulation study is expected to examine: What future changes will affect the regulated sectors: The National Infrastructure Assessment identified the...

3 Oct 2018 By
Competition winners pave the way for Roads for the Future
Graphic showing autonomous cars

Competition winners pave the way for Roads for the Future

Smart traffic lights and hi-tech public transport could become an everyday part of people’s journeys, according to ideas put forward by the joint winners of the national Roads for the Future competition announced today. The winners – City Science and Leeds City Council – will each receive £25,000 from a dedicated £50,000 prize fund. Offering...

28 Sep 2018 By
Armitt: new funding welcome – but further devolution needed to boost local transport
A tram in Nottingham

Armitt: new funding welcome – but further devolution needed to boost local transport

Sir John Armitt today welcomed Government plans to invest £840 million in improving transport within 10 city regions across the UK – and urged ministers to go even further by devolving even more powers and funding to local leaders. The chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission said devolved funding for cities was a key recommendation from the...

27 Sep 2018 By
National scheme would ‘help boost recycling rates’
Close up of a pile of waste plastic

National scheme would ‘help boost recycling rates’

A new BBC survey today highlights the various rules councils have for whether households can and cannot recycle certain plastics – underlining the need for a national scheme as recommended in the UK’s first ever National Infrastructure Assessment. The survey finds that there are 39 different rules applied by councils over what plastics can and...

21 Sep 2018 By
Investing in the resilience of the UK’s water supply
Dame Kate Barker

Investing in the resilience of the UK’s water supply

Our Commissioner Dame Kate Barker writes in the latest issue of Environment Magazine, produced by the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, on the need to invest in and improve the resilience of the UK’s water supply network, particularly in light of the challenges highlighted by this year’s long hot summer. Her article can be read here. ...

20 Sep 2018 By
Expressway decision could help boost long-term prosperity of Growth Arc
Senate House Cambridge

Expressway decision could help boost long-term prosperity of Growth Arc

The Government today announced the defined corridor for the Oxford-Cambridge Expressway – as part of wider efforts to meet the long term economic potential of the area identified by the National Infrastructure Commission. Roads Minister Jesse Norman confirmed Corridor B as the preferred choice. It follows publication of the National Infrastructure Commission’s report into maximising the potential of the...

12 Sep 2018 By
Government action needed for truly national charging network
Two white EV cars charging at a chargepoint

Government action needed for truly national charging network

The Prime Minister today unveiled a £200 million investment in charging points for electric vehicles – but the National Infrastructure Assessment highlights further steps that are needed to create a truly national charging network. In a speech to the Zero Emissions Vehicles summit in Birmingham, the Prime Minister unveiled a package of investment measures to...

11 Sep 2018 By
“Truly visible and national” charging network needed to support switch to electric cars
Close up of a charger plugged into an electric vehicle

“Truly visible and national” charging network needed to support switch to electric cars

Energy UK today joined with business and environmental organisations to urge the Government to be more ambitious in supporting take-up of electric vehicles – a similar call to that made by the National Infrastructure Commission. In their letter to the Prime Minister, Energy UK call for a range of measures to support drivers looking to...

10 Sep 2018 By

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