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Roads for the Future competition: sector reaction
The evening sun shining over the M25 motorway

Roads for the Future competition: sector reaction

Laura Shoaf, Managing Director, Transport for the West Midlands “Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) technology is so important not only to the future of our automotive industry but also the West Midlands economy and we are determined to remain at the cutting edge of research and development in this field. “The pioneering work already underway...

15 Jan 2018 By
Help prepare Britain’s Roads for the Future and driverless cars
A busy M6 motorway

Help prepare Britain’s Roads for the Future and driverless cars

Britain’s leading lights from across industry have the chance to help ensure the country has roads fit for the future and ready for driverless cars, through a new competition launched today. Deputy chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission Sir John Armitt said the Roads for the Future competition presented an opportunity to shape how people...

15 Jan 2018 By
Roads for the Future: the jury
Graphic showing autonomous cars

Roads for the Future: the jury

Bridget Rosewell (Competition Chair) is an experienced director, policy maker and economist, with a track record in advising public and private sector clients on key strategic issues. She is a Commissioner for the National Infrastructure Commission, Non-Executive Chair of the Driver and Vehicles Standards Agency, a Founder and Senior Adviser of Volterra Partners, and a...

15 Jan 2018 By
Roads for the Future: winners and finalists

Roads for the Future: winners and finalists

15 Jan 2018 By
Interim arrangements announced for Commission leadership
The NIC logo in white

Interim arrangements announced for Commission leadership

Sir John Armitt is to lead the National Infrastructure Commission, while a replacement is found for Lord Adonis as chairman. Sir John is deputy chairman and has been a member of the Commission since its formation in 2015.  A permanent replacement for Lord Adonis as chairman will be appointed in due course. Later this year,...

5 Jan 2018 By
Welcome move to secure minimum broadband speeds for homes and businesses

Welcome move to secure minimum broadband speeds for homes and businesses

Chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission Lord Adonis today welcomed the Government’s plans for a new Universal Service Obligation to give residents and businesses access to better broadband services. The move will offer a legal right to at least 10 megabits per second broadband speed by 2020.  This is the speed that regulators Ofcom report...

20 Dec 2017 By
Urgent plan needed to tackle ‘deplorable’ mobile services

Urgent plan needed to tackle ‘deplorable’ mobile services

Lord Adonis today urged urgent action to protect mobile network customers, after new figures showed large parts of the country may not be even getting the most basic services expected. The chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission said he has written to the head of Ofcom, pressing for concerted action between the regulator and the...

18 Dec 2017 By
Data for the public good: Responses to the Commission’s report

Data for the public good: Responses to the Commission’s report

Professor Lord Robert Mair, President, Institution of Civil Engineers “Good infrastructure underpins thriving communities and economic growth. It enables peoples’ day to day lives – creating connectivity, access to key utilities, and underpinning our social infrastructure. “One of the most exciting things about the digital revolution is the opportunity to create ‘smart infrastructure’. The engineers...

14 Dec 2017 By
New technologies could help cut delays and disruption to Britain’s infrastructure
Digital image suggesting a connected city

New technologies could help cut delays and disruption to Britain’s infrastructure

Delays and disruption across the infrastructure network could be significantly reduced if the country takes steps to make the maximum possible use of the latest technologies, Lord Adonis said today. The chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission said the results of introducing artificial intelligence and machine learning technology could be faster journeys by road and...

14 Dec 2017 By
Armitt welcomes Government ambition for more productive infrastructure delivery
A tower crane against a blue sky

Armitt welcomes Government ambition for more productive infrastructure delivery

Sir John Armitt today welcomed the Government’s ambition to make substantial savings while looking to invest £600billion in infrastructure projects over the next decade. The deputy chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission said that with major projects like HS3 and Crossrail 2 needed, efforts to improve the sector’s productivity are more important than ever. Today,...

6 Dec 2017 By
VeloCity wins Growth Arc Ideas competition
Concept of a village

VeloCity wins Growth Arc Ideas competition

A vision for clusters of villages within walking and cycling distance is the winner of a competition to find innovative ways to transform the vital Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford Growth Arc. The Cambridge-Oxford Connection: Ideas Competition was launched in June and encouraged people from across the infrastructure sector to submit their ideas for delivering homes and improved...

6 Dec 2017 By
Future infrastructure pioneers sought to shape UK’s future
A blurred road moving towards the sun

Future infrastructure pioneers sought to shape UK’s future

Britain’s up-and-coming engineers, architects, designers and planners will get the chance to have their say over meeting the country’s future infrastructure needs, under a new initiative launched today by Lord Adonis. The chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission announced plans for a Young Professionals Panel, which would advise him and his fellow Commissioners as they...

28 Nov 2017 By
Adonis: Budget signals clear commitment to invest in infrastructure
Close-up of Sterling notes

Adonis: Budget signals clear commitment to invest in infrastructure

Lord Adonis today welcomed the measures announced in the Chancellor’s Budget Statement as a “clear commitment” to investing in the country’s infrastructure network. The chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission said they were a “positive step” ahead of publication of the country’s first-ever National Infrastructure Assessment. In particular, he welcomed the Chancellor’s plans to support...

22 Nov 2017 By
New study will examine future for freight
Lorries on a busy UK motorway

New study will examine future for freight

The National Infrastructure Commission will examine the UK’s freight sector and how it can meet the country’s needs long into the future, Lord Adonis confirmed today. The new freight study will look at what Government can do to help businesses get their goods up to the front door or the factory gate faster and more...

22 Nov 2017 By
Adonis: Help deliver our roads for the future
A busy M6 motorway

Adonis: Help deliver our roads for the future

Lord Adonis today issued a challenge to Britain’s brightest and best, to submit their ideas for developing a world-class road network ready for generations of driverless cars. The chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission confirmed plans for a new “Roads for the Future” competition, working with Highways England and Innovate UK, to see how the...

22 Nov 2017 By

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