Historic Telecoms Dataset


Selected data on the UK's telecoms industry spanning as far back as 1851

Published: Tagged: Digital & Data


The Commission has compiled a historical telecoms dataset to help build a more extensive picture of the UK's telecoms industry and identify trends.

The Commission worked with Osiris-AI consultants, with the help of Dr Alexis Litvine and Dr Oliver Buxton Dunn of the University of Cambridge, to collate telecommunications statistics from before a time where records were digitised. The Commission also undertook some research by exploring archived Oftel and Ofcom reports, and the resulting statistics are an extensive timeline of data from the mid 19th century through to present day. Some of the data is presented here and the full data-set is available for all to download.

Historic Telecoms Data

All of the data seen above, and more, is available to download here

Download data files

Historic telecoms data report

The Report prepared by Osiris-AI consultants for the Commission, includes additional detail and background information supporting the datasets shared above.

View the report