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Creating a more sustainable approach to infrastructure construction
Demolition of a motorway viaduct

Creating a more sustainable approach to infrastructure construction

For many of us, recycling has become a part of the daily routine. We separate out glass, plastic and cardboard waste into recycling bins, to be collected and reprocessed into new products We donate old clothes to charity shops where they’re given a new lease of life. And put our garden waste in a separate...

1 Jun 2023 By
Letter to Ofwat on water company asset management
Workers repairing a storm sewer

Letter to Ofwat on water company asset management

Commission Chief Executive James Heath has written to Ofwat Chief Executive David Black about asset management in the water sector, specifically the approach to ‘base cost’ maintenance costs for ensuring day-to-day services (e.g. replacing water mains pipes). The letter raises concerns about the lack of a consistent understanding of asset condition across the sector and...

19 May 2023 By
Clean energy and better recycling among North Yorkshire’s infrastructure priorities

Clean energy and better recycling among North Yorkshire’s infrastructure priorities

Members of the Commission team were in Harrogate and Knaresborough yesterday (26 April) meeting local political leaders and businesses from across North Yorkshire and learning more about the county’s priorities around delivering net zero, creating a low-waste economy and the challenges of digital connectivity in what is a largely rural region. A roundtable in Harrogate’s...

27 Apr 2023 By
NIC and CCC call for urgent action to protect infrastructure from climate risks
Wind turbines against a stormy sky

NIC and CCC call for urgent action to protect infrastructure from climate risks

The National Infrastructure Commission and Climate Change Committee have written jointly to government urging ministers to take steps to improve the resilience of key infrastructure services to the effects of climate change. Building on recent reports by both organisations, the advisory bodies set out five steps to accelerate national adaptation planning to protect key networks:...

27 Apr 2023 By
Stronger coordination of environment and community benefit needed to get planning timescales back on track
T-pylons under construction

Stronger coordination of environment and community benefit needed to get planning timescales back on track

A new data platform to share environmental information and effective ways of addressing the impact of proposed infrastructure projects will enable stronger protection for natural habitats and speed up schemes crucial to the net zero transition, according to a new report by the National Infrastructure Commission. The review by the government’s official infrastructure advisers also...

18 Apr 2023 By
YPP discusses net zero for the next generation
Young Professionals Panel members and guests discuss pathways to net zero - group seated in a meeting room in discussion, London, March 2023

YPP discusses net zero for the next generation

In this guest blog, we are pleased to present reflections from a recent event organised by the Commission’s Young Professionals Panel. The content reflects the discussions of event participants, rather than a Commission policy position. The UK is home to over 22 million people under the age of 30, many of whom are increasingly aware...

5 Apr 2023 By
Commission response to Energy Security Plan: positive steps forward but questions remain
Woman turning on an electric kettle

Commission response to Energy Security Plan: positive steps forward but questions remain

Giving an initial response to the publication of the Powering Up Britain: Energy Security Plan and related documents today (30 March 2023), Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: “Today’s set of announcements includes steps forward in some areas, but in others, based on what we’ve seen so far significant questions remain...

30 Mar 2023 By
Go big where it counts to hit economic and climate goals, says Commission
Front cover image from IPR

Go big where it counts to hit economic and climate goals, says Commission

Government must develop stronger staying power and focus on fewer, bigger, better targeted initiatives to deliver the infrastructure needed to meet its long term goals for economic growth and a lower carbon economy, the UK’s independent advisers on infrastructure have said. The last year has seen progress towards major infrastructure objectives “stutter further just as...

27 Mar 2023 By
Response to Spring Budget: Welcome moves on devolution and CCUS
Sir John Armitt Profile Image

Response to Spring Budget: Welcome moves on devolution and CCUS

Responding to today’s Spring Budget, Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: Devolution and local transport “Today’s confirmation of extensions to City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements and multi year single settlements for the West Midlands and Greater Manchester are big strides forward for devolution. “But trailblazers only warrant the name if others...

15 Mar 2023 By
James Heath at Water Industry Forum: Long term solutions to fix ‘too much, too little, too dirty’ water
A garden being watered with a hosepipe

James Heath at Water Industry Forum: Long term solutions to fix ‘too much, too little, too dirty’ water

James Heath, Chief Executive of the National Infrastructure Commission, addressed the Water Industry Forum’s annual dinner in Leeds yesterday (8 March 2023). In his remarks, he sets out the ‘triple challenge’ facing the sector and the need for a fresh approach that sets out clear goals and long term strategies for achieving them, supported by...

9 Mar 2023 By
James Heath’s speech at Northern Transport Summit: Connecting the North’s towns, cities and communities
Leeds from the air

James Heath’s speech at Northern Transport Summit: Connecting the North’s towns, cities and communities

James Heath, Chief Executive of the National Infrastructure Commission, gave a keynote address at the Northern Transport Summit held in Liverpool today (23 February 2023). In his remarks, James stresses the importance of investing in a more resilient rail service for the North, before outlining the Commission’s approach to analysing the specific role transport modes...

23 Feb 2023 By
Commission to review major projects planning policy
A solar farm in a field

Commission to review major projects planning policy

The National Infrastructure Commission has been asked to review the current approach to National Policy Statements (NPSs) and identify how the planning system could create greater certainty for infrastructure investors, developers and local communities. The independent advisory body has been commissioned to undertake the review as government prepares to publish an Action Plan on Nationally...

10 Feb 2023 By
Government infrastructure advisers open Leeds office
National Infrastructure Commission opens in Leeds LtR John Flint CEO UK Infrastructure Bank, Dept Leader Jonathan Pryor; Sir John Armitt.

Government infrastructure advisers open Leeds office

The UK government’s independent advisers on national infrastructure have today (Tuesday 24 January 2023) opened an office base in Leeds. The National Infrastructure Commission has taken space in One Embankment, the central Leeds offices which also serve as the headquarters of the UK Infrastructure Bank. Deputy Leader of Leeds City Council Cllr Jonathan Pryor joined...

24 Jan 2023 By
Transport and infrastructure funding to fore in discussions with capital’s leaders
Seb Dance and Sir John shown seated together during the meeting

Transport and infrastructure funding to fore in discussions with capital’s leaders

With the capital bathed in bright winter sunshine, members of the Commission spent yesterday (19 January) meeting London’s business and political leaders to better understand the city’s infrastructure priorities. This was the sixth regional visit to inform the second National Infrastructure Assessment, to be published this autumn. On the banks of the Royal Victoria Dock...

20 Jan 2023 By
Armitt: Skidmore Net Zero report “nails argument that inaction now will cost us all in the long run”
Field of solar panels against a blue sky

Armitt: Skidmore Net Zero report “nails argument that inaction now will cost us all in the long run”

The Commission has welcomed Mission Zero, an independent review by Chris Skidmore MP on government’s approach to delivering its legally binding net zero target, specifically “how to deliver and implement most effectively and efficiently a plan for our future energy transition”. Chris Skidmore’s report, published today (13 January 2023), highlights the centrality of transforming the...

13 Jan 2023 By

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