A pipeline of auctions supporting offshore wind energy projects will help the UK maintain its leading position in the field, Sir John Armitt said today.
The chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission said today’s decision by the Government mirrored recommendations in the recently-published National Infrastructure Assessment – the first of its kind for this country.
But he urged the Government to push this even further, and extend the forthcoming auctions to other established renewable technologies including onshore wind and solar power.
Energy Minister Claire Perry today announced that offshore wind and remote island wind energy providers will be able to bid for contracts to help power up to four million homes across the country.
Auctions will be held in 2019, and every two years after that, offering support worth up to £557million.
Chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission Sir John Armitt said:
“Our National Infrastructure Assessment highlights the significant contribution that renewable energy technologies like offshore wind can make to powering our homes and businesses, and the need to demonstrate long-term support for its further development.
“I therefore welcome today’s announcement from the Government of a long-term pipeline of support for offshore wind, helping to give investors confidence in the market and to maintain the UK’s leading position in this field.
“But if renewables are to make up at least 50 per cent of our energy mix by 2030, I would urge Ministers to go even further and extend this support to other technologies including onshore wind and solar power.”
Notes to Editors:
The National Infrastructure Assessment was published on 10 July. For details of its recommendations on developing a low cost, low carbon energy system visit the chapter here