The National Infrastructure Commission today marks one year since the publication of Britain’s first-ever National Infrastructure Assessment.
Published on 10 July 2018, the report sets out how we should develop our energy, transport, water and technology networks over the next thirty years. It recommends major changes, including:
- setting ambitious targets for renewable energy
- a truly national and visible charging network for electric vehicles
- devolving funding for city transport, and
- rolling out full fibre broadband.
The Assessment provides a blueprint for delivering a once-in-a-generation transformation of our infrastructure, which would enhance the lives of people across the country and help the UK shape a new national and global identity for the mid-21st century.
The government has already indicated its support for a number of the report’s recommendations, including those on water leakages and full fibre broadband, but its formal response will be provided through the UK’s first National Infrastructure Strategy, expected in the autumn.
Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission Sir John Armitt said:
“A year ago, we published a plan to radically change how the UK plans and funds its infrastructure. But a plan requires action. The National Infrastructure Strategy must be transformative and commit to a bold future for the infrastructure we all rely on.”
Each of the Assessment’s recommendations are fully costed and can be achieved within the government’s long term funding guidelines for public investment in infrastructure of 1.2% of GDP.
More details about the National Infrastructure Assessment can be found here. A short summary of the main recommendations is also available.
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