Supporting Evidence


A full archive of supplementary research informing our main studies and reports.

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Exploring the cost, coverage and rollout implications of 5G in Britain
Image of a pylon

Exploring the cost, coverage and rollout implications of 5G in Britain

External research by Oughton and Frias which formed part of the evidence base for the Connected Future report.

14 Mar 2016
Transport for a world city: evidence submissions
thumbnail of London Transport Call for Evidence Responses

Transport for a world city: evidence submissions

The call for evidence informed the Commission's study on London's long term transport infrastructure needs.

10 Mar 2016
Review of the case for large scale transport investment in London
thumbnail of Review of the Case for Large Scale Transport Investment in London

Review of the case for large scale transport investment in London

A review by an expert panel of the strategic and economic cases for large scale transport investment in London, informing the Transport for a World City report.

10 Mar 2016
Costs and benefits of GB interconnection
Woman walking dog along beach

Costs and benefits of GB interconnection

Research by Poyry forming part of the supporting evidence for the Smart Power report.

4 Mar 2016
Delivering future-proof energy infrastructure
Onshore wind farm

Delivering future-proof energy infrastructure

External research by UCL and the University of Cambridge's Energy Policy Research Group on the challenges and opportunities for delivering future-proof energy infrastructure, informing the Smart Power report.

4 Mar 2016

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