Cost effective delivery of infrastructure projects


Comparing the UK's approach to cost control of major infrastructure projects with its international peers.

The Commission is exploring how the UK can build economic infrastructure more quickly and cheaply, and compare favourably with our peers internationally.

While there is an informal consensus that the UK performs poorly compared to other countries, a systems level analysis of the scale of any discrepancy, and what may cause it, will contribute to the wider evidence base.

Through new analysis of project data and engagement with key stakeholders, the Commission will seek to establish how the UK compares to international peers and create a framework for the different causes of high costs in different types of projects, with an assessment of the importance of each of these causes. 

The Commission will draw upon a number of existing studies to help understand the factors which may impact on the cost of major projects, and discussions with organisations responsible for a range of schemes in different infrastructure sectors. 

While the project will not include a formal call for evidence, stakeholders with relevant data or perspectives are welcome to submit this to the Commission to help inform its thinking. The project team can be contacted via our Contact form. 

An interim report will be published during 2024, setting out the Commission’s findings and areas for further work on the options to reduce costs.   

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