High Speed North

Status:Final report complete.  

A report on the strategic improvements needed to transform transport connectivity in the North.


In October 2015, the National Infrastructure Commission was asked to advise on strategic improvements to transport connectivity in the North.

The Commission’s central finding: The North needs immediate and very significant investment for action now and a plan for longer term transformation to reduce journey times, increase capacity and improve reliability.
On rail, this means kick-starting HS3, integrating it with HS2 and planning for the redevelopment of the North’s gateway stations.
On roads, investment should be brought forwards for an early boost in capacity on the M62, the North’s most important east-west link, alongside funding to identify and assess proposals for tackling a range of other strategic challenges.

Final Report

High Speed North

The Commission’s report sets out a series of recommendations to improve connections in the North.

Read the full report

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