Energy & Net Zero

New renewable energy infrastructure is central to delivering a low cost, zero carbon future.


Solar panels on a field


Infrastructure delivers power and heat to homes and businesses.

Our current energy system, which is still largely based on fossil fuels like natural gas, contributes to climate change. In 2021, around 30 per cent of UK greenhouse gas emissions come from generating electricity and heating buildings.
Switching to renewable electricity sources, upgrading electricity networks to support increased electrification, deploying charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, and changing the way we heat our homes are historic shifts. They present both challenges and opportunities for government and industry.
The Commission advises government on how to best support and regulate the energy sector to deliver the changes necessary for meeting the UK’s net zero goals.
The Commission has an objective to support the transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Reaching this target was one of the three strategic themes that shaped the Commission’s work in the Second National Infrastructure Assessment.
The second Assessment makes a series of recommendations in response to four key challenges in energy and reaching net zero:

  • the further decarbonisation of the electricity system
  • creating a viable path for heat decarbonisation
  • enabling the rapid rollout of electric vehicles
  • funding and delivering the new networks needed for hydrogen and carbon capture and storage.

Energy & net zero data

A range of energy and net zero related datasets is available to review on our Data pages. This includes data sets used in Commission reports, as well as historic data sets. Each can be reviewed online or downloaded. 

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Latest Updates

Nuclear Power Stations – Cost Forecasting
An electricity pylon viewed from underneath

Nuclear Power Stations – Cost Forecasting

Reference class cost forecasting for nuclear power stations.

18 Oct 2019
Utility regulators must have new powers if UK is to tackle climate change
Solar panels at sunset

Utility regulators must have new powers if UK is to tackle climate change

The UK will fail to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 if regulators aren’t given new powers to ensure utility companies invest in sustainable infrastructure, according to a report from the National Infrastructure Commission. Chair Sir John Armitt said the UK’s regulatory system must adapt to meet the demands of the future and...

11 Oct 2019 By
Falling price of renewables shows a low carbon future can be low cost
Aerial view of an offshore wind turbine

Falling price of renewables shows a low carbon future can be low cost

The government has announced that twelve new renewable energy projects have won Contracts for Difference (CfD) – with some offshore wind schemes being delivered for as low as £39.65/MWh. It reveals a dramatic fall in the cost of offshore wind, with the strike price representing a 30% reduction on the lowest from the second CfD...

20 Sep 2019 By
MPs highlight need for swift action to boost energy efficiency of UK homes and workplaces
Modern white radiator with thermostat reduced to economy mode

MPs highlight need for swift action to boost energy efficiency of UK homes and workplaces

A new report today from MPs calls for urgent action to address poor energy efficiency in UK homes in order to avoid undermining the UK’s efforts to meet Net Zero carbon emissions, reflecting recommendations made in the National Infrastructure Assessment. The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Select Committee’s report Energy Efficiency: building towards Net...

11 Jul 2019 By
Study highlights opportunities for interconnection and diverse renewables mix to build resilience of UK energy network to weather challenges
Cars in a street covered with snow

Study highlights opportunities for interconnection and diverse renewables mix to build resilience of UK energy network to weather challenges

A new review of research on future weather patterns highlights the importance of a rollout of diverse renewable generation technologies to ensure the resilience of the UK’s energy systems to stresses brought about by a changing energy mix and climate change. Publishing a new report commissioned from the Met Office, the National Infrastructure Commission said...

2 Jul 2019 By
Weather and climate change risks in a highly renewable UK energy system
Thunderstorm over UK homes

Weather and climate change risks in a highly renewable UK energy system

2 Jul 2019
Dealing with waste is essential for a low carbon future (letter)
Close up of a pile of waste plastic

Dealing with waste is essential for a low carbon future (letter)

National Infrastructure Commission Chair Sir John Armitt has today written a letter to the editor of the Daily Telegraph in response to its editorial highlighting challenges facing the UK’s waste and recycling infrastructure. The text of the published letter is reproduced below. ‘Sir – Your characterisation of UK recycling as “chaotic” is worryingly accurate. Dealing...

28 Jun 2019 By
Government’s ‘net zero’ pledge highlights urgency of shift to low-carbon economy
Solar panels at sunset

Government’s ‘net zero’ pledge highlights urgency of shift to low-carbon economy

Responding to today’s government commitment to ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, National Infrastructure Commission Chair Sir John Armitt today said the recognition of the threats from climate change was an important step, but must be followed up by tangible actions to prepare the UK economy for a low-emissions future. The UK’s first-ever National...

12 Jun 2019 By
New report highlights difficult – but achievable – steps necessary to deliver zero carbon UK economy
An industrial chimney with steam coming from it

New report highlights difficult – but achievable – steps necessary to deliver zero carbon UK economy

A new report today says big reductions in the cost of renewable energy generation mean the goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is achievable. But only if steps are taken now to boost low carbon power and heating – in line with recommendations made in the UK’s first-ever National Infrastructure Assessment. The Committee...

1 May 2019 By
Phil Graham: speech to Clean Energy Infrastructure Summit
Picture of Phil Graham

Phil Graham: speech to Clean Energy Infrastructure Summit

Below is the full text of National Infrastructure Commission Chief Executive Phil Graham’s keynote speech to the Clean Energy Infrastructure Summit in London on 24 April. Check against delivery. It’s great to be here today and to see that so many of you are grappling with some of the big strategic questions in energy. We...

24 Apr 2019 By
Letter to BEIS Select Committee Chair Rachel Reeves MP on energy efficiency

Letter to BEIS Select Committee Chair Rachel Reeves MP on energy efficiency

Following an evidence session to the BEIS Select Committee inquiry on energy efficiency in April 2019, National Infrastructure Commission chief executive Phil Graham wrote to committee chair Rachel Reeves MP to clarify the Commission’s position on energy efficiency and correct two errors in chapter two of the National Infrastructure Assessment which were identified during the session. The...

23 Apr 2019 By
New Sector Deal demonstrates potential scale of renewables industry
Offshore wind turbines at sea

New Sector Deal demonstrates potential scale of renewables industry

The National Infrastructure Commission today welcomed the Government’s new offshore wind sector deal as a “clear demonstration” of the potential scale of the renewables industry in the UK. Energy Minister Claire Perry announced details of the Sector Deal including: An aim for offshore wind to provide a third of all UK electricity by 2030 –...

7 Mar 2019 By

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