Theme: National Infrastructure Assessment

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Clean energy and better recycling among North Yorkshire’s infrastructure priorities

Clean energy and better recycling among North Yorkshire’s infrastructure priorities

Members of the Commission team were in Harrogate and Knaresborough yesterday (26 April) meeting local political leaders and businesses from across North Yorkshire and learning more about the county’s priorities around delivering net zero, creating a low-waste economy and the challenges of digital connectivity in what is a largely rural region. A roundtable in Harrogate’s...

27 Apr 2023 By
YPP discusses net zero for the next generation
Young Professionals Panel members and guests discuss pathways to net zero - group seated in a meeting room in discussion, London, March 2023

YPP discusses net zero for the next generation

In this guest blog, we are pleased to present reflections from a recent event organised by the Commission’s Young Professionals Panel. The content reflects the discussions of event participants, rather than a Commission policy position. The UK is home to over 22 million people under the age of 30, many of whom are increasingly aware...

5 Apr 2023 By
Interurban transport advice note on roads policy
Strategic roads crossing over each other near Newbury

Interurban transport advice note on roads policy

An interim report for the second National Infrastructure Assessment focusing on roads policy as part of a future integrated transport strategy.

5 Apr 2023
Go big where it counts to hit economic and climate goals, says Commission
Front cover image from IPR

Go big where it counts to hit economic and climate goals, says Commission

Government must develop stronger staying power and focus on fewer, bigger, better targeted initiatives to deliver the infrastructure needed to meet its long term goals for economic growth and a lower carbon economy, the UK’s independent advisers on infrastructure have said. The last year has seen progress towards major infrastructure objectives “stutter further just as...

27 Mar 2023 By
Response to Spring Budget: Welcome moves on devolution and CCUS
Sir John Armitt Profile Image

Response to Spring Budget: Welcome moves on devolution and CCUS

Responding to today’s Spring Budget, Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: Devolution and local transport “Today’s confirmation of extensions to City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements and multi year single settlements for the West Midlands and Greater Manchester are big strides forward for devolution. “But trailblazers only warrant the name if others...

15 Mar 2023 By
James Heath’s speech at Northern Transport Summit: Connecting the North’s towns, cities and communities
Leeds from the air

James Heath’s speech at Northern Transport Summit: Connecting the North’s towns, cities and communities

James Heath, Chief Executive of the National Infrastructure Commission, gave a keynote address at the Northern Transport Summit held in Liverpool today (23 February 2023). In his remarks, James stresses the importance of investing in a more resilient rail service for the North, before outlining the Commission’s approach to analysing the specific role transport modes...

23 Feb 2023 By
Transport and infrastructure funding to fore in discussions with capital’s leaders
Seb Dance and Sir John shown seated together during the meeting

Transport and infrastructure funding to fore in discussions with capital’s leaders

With the capital bathed in bright winter sunshine, members of the Commission spent yesterday (19 January) meeting London’s business and political leaders to better understand the city’s infrastructure priorities. This was the sixth regional visit to inform the second National Infrastructure Assessment, to be published this autumn. On the banks of the Royal Victoria Dock...

20 Jan 2023 By
Armitt: Skidmore Net Zero report “nails argument that inaction now will cost us all in the long run”
Field of solar panels against a blue sky

Armitt: Skidmore Net Zero report “nails argument that inaction now will cost us all in the long run”

The Commission has welcomed Mission Zero, an independent review by Chris Skidmore MP on government’s approach to delivering its legally binding net zero target, specifically “how to deliver and implement most effectively and efficiently a plan for our future energy transition”. Chris Skidmore’s report, published today (13 January 2023), highlights the centrality of transforming the...

13 Jan 2023 By
Bridget Rosewell steps down as a Commissioner
Picture of Bridget Rosewell, Commissioner

Bridget Rosewell steps down as a Commissioner

Bridget Rosewell is stepping down as a National Infrastructure Commissioner and will now support the Commission as a specialist adviser in the run up to the next National Infrastructure Assessment. The change in role follows Bridget’s appointment as a non-executive director of the UK Infrastructure Bank. During her seven-year tenure at the Commission, Bridget contributed...

3 Jan 2023 By
Better infrastructure for all, with the emphasis on all
Family members standing, waiting at a bus stop smiling and laughing with each other. They are all wearing casual clothing.

Better infrastructure for all, with the emphasis on all

Christmas may be a traditional time for warm words. But this blog is about moving beyond warm words to a deeper understanding of how economic infrastructure can best serve the needs of all members of society. Let me offer just one example. As we approach the shortest day of the year, there will be people...

19 Dec 2022 By
600,000 properties face future flooding without action to reduce urban runoff and improve drainage systems
A flooded supermarket carpark in Belvedere, Kent

600,000 properties face future flooding without action to reduce urban runoff and improve drainage systems

Stricter controls on new property developments alongside up to £12bn of investment in drainage infrastructure over the next thirty years will be necessary to stop thousands more homes and businesses from flooding due to inadequate drainage, according to a new report by the National Infrastructure Commission. Localised floods across England last month alongside a series...

29 Nov 2022 By
James Heath: Is the cost-of-living crisis an infrastructure crisis?
Image of the city of London.

James Heath: Is the cost-of-living crisis an infrastructure crisis?

James Heath, Chief Executive of the National Infrastructure Commission, spoke at the London Infrastructure Summit today (10 November 2022) organised by BusinessLDN. In his remarks, James reflects on the challenges facing infrastructure sectors as they decarbonise, in particular the need for significant capital investment against a backdrop of economic constraints. James sets out the conditions...

10 Nov 2022 By
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough leaders inform national infrastructure advisers’ fact-finding tour
Commissioners including Sir John Armitt shown alongside Mayor Nik Johnson standing outside Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority offices, Huntingdon

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough leaders inform national infrastructure advisers’ fact-finding tour

Ensuring Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and the surrounding areas have the infrastructure in place to help connect people to well paid jobs and sustainably grow the local economy was on the agenda as the government’s official advisers on infrastructure visited the region today (Wednesday, 2 November). Improving rural connectivity through better public transport and broadband, enhancing flood...

2 Nov 2022 By
Planning changes “need to put wind in the sails” of major infrastructure projects
An onshore wind farm on the horizon

Planning changes “need to put wind in the sails” of major infrastructure projects

The government has today (23 September 2022) published its Growth Plan, which includes proposals to accelerate the delivery of key infrastructure. The Plan includes pledges to prioritise publication of new National Policy Statements for energy, water resources and national networks; reform of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project planning system; and steps to amend onshore wind...

23 Sep 2022 By
Commission hears from Bristol about city’s infrastructure priorities
Bristol Civic Centre

Commission hears from Bristol about city’s infrastructure priorities

Friday last week (22 July) saw Commissioners in Bristol for our fourth regional visit of the summer, meeting the city’s Mayor and local leaders and businesses, and local residents, to understand the city’s infrastructure challenges. After a one-to-one meeting, Sir John Armitt and the Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees co-hosted a roundtable with representatives from...

25 Jul 2022 By

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