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Commission highlights “slow progress” on infrastructure plans to deliver levelling up and net zero goals
Group of images reprepsenting different infrastructure sectors

Commission highlights “slow progress” on infrastructure plans to deliver levelling up and net zero goals

The government is at risk of failing to deliver the aims of its National Infrastructure Strategy unless it picks up the pace with detailed policy design and implementation, the UK’s official independent infrastructure adviser has warned.  The National Infrastructure Commission says that clear, long term goals are now in place across most infrastructure areas and...

16 Mar 2022 By
Sir John Armitt: we need a year of acceleration rather than prevarication
Aerial image of the bridge over the River Derwent at Bubwith in Yorkshire during a flood

Sir John Armitt: we need a year of acceleration rather than prevarication

Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission Sir John Armitt gave an address to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infrastructure this evening (23 February 2022) offering a look ahead to the high level challenges for infrastructure networks over the next 12 months. Sir John noted the importance of staying the course with long term plans...

23 Feb 2022 By
Join us to discuss the current state of UK infrastructure strategy
Wind turbines of the offshore Redcar / Teeside Wind Farm, located on the north east coast of England in the UK - taken on a sunny day with a blue sky at the end of summer.

Join us to discuss the current state of UK infrastructure strategy

On Wednesday 16 March, the Commission will publish its annual independent stocktake of government progress on implementing its commitments to infrastructure strategy. This year, for the first time, the Commission is holding a public online event to mark the report’s publication. You can register to attend the event here. The Commission’s Annual Monitoring Report for...

10 Feb 2022 By
“Ambitious implementation programme” essential to success of Levelling Up
Leicester city centre

“Ambitious implementation programme” essential to success of Levelling Up

The government has today published its Levelling Up white paper setting out its programme to ensure economic opportunity is more evenly spread across the whole country. It includes invitations to nine areas to create new county-wide deals and negotiations over ‘trailblazing’ devolution expansions deals with Manchester and West Midlands mayoral combined authorities. The white paper...

2 Feb 2022 By
Commission calls for “real policy changes” on utilities regulation
Warming efficiency of a residence and calculate heating costs concept with digital calculator, small house wrapped in warm wool neck scarf on wood background

Commission calls for “real policy changes” on utilities regulation

The government has today (31 January 2022) published a policy paper in response to the Commission’s 2019 study on regulation, Strategic Investment and Public Confidence. This study highlighted that, whilst the current system of regulation had generated significant investment over the past decades, it was increasingly facing new challenges that it was not designed to...

31 Jan 2022 By
Regional water plans a positive step towards drought resilience for England
Picture of a reservoir in Somerset

Regional water plans a positive step towards drought resilience for England

Commitments by water companies to take action together to secure long term water supplies for consumers and businesses in England have been welcomed by the Commission as an important step towards achieving long term resilience to drought. Consultations are now underway on new draft water resource management plans by the five regional water resources groups....

18 Jan 2022 By
Commission to open new office in Leeds
Footbridge across the Aire River in West Yorkshire, England

Commission to open new office in Leeds

The National Infrastructure Commission has welcomed the Chancellor’s announcement today (20 December 2021) that the Commission will open a new office in Leeds by the end of 2023. The new office in Yorkshire will form the base for around 40 per cent of the Commission’s secretariat in the future, with others continuing to work from...

20 Dec 2021 By
Frank debate on costs and expectations needed to prepare infrastructure for climate change
London's flood barrier on river Thames and Canary Wharf

Frank debate on costs and expectations needed to prepare infrastructure for climate change

A public debate needs to be held on the right level of investment that today’s consumers and taxpayers can be expected to pay to prepare key national infrastructure for climate risks of the future, the Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission has told a Parliamentary committee. Sir John Armitt told MPs and Peers that on...

14 Dec 2021 By
Dreaming of a green Christmas in 2035
Illustration of household infrastructure in Christmas 2035

Dreaming of a green Christmas in 2035

Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will mean that Christmas is likely to look very different within the next 15 years. By 2035 – half way between today and the legally binding 2050 deadline for the UK to hit net zero – the UK will need to have cut emissions by 78% compared...

13 Dec 2021 By
“A realistic plan for major long term investments”: Commission responds to Integrated Rail Plan
Image showing departure boards at Leeds station.

“A realistic plan for major long term investments”: Commission responds to Integrated Rail Plan

Responding to the government’s publication of its Integrated Rail Plan, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission Sir John Armitt said: “We now have a realistic plan for major long term investments to improve rail for the North and Midlands in the face of public spending constraints. In our advice to government the Commission made the...

18 Nov 2021 By
Commission pinpoints strategic gaps in infrastructure planning ahead of next landmark national assessment
Images from the Baseline Report

Commission pinpoints strategic gaps in infrastructure planning ahead of next landmark national assessment

The National Infrastructure Commission has announced the topics that will sit at the heart of its next major assessment of the UK’s long term infrastructure priorities, to be published in 2023, following analysis of the current performance of key sectors. The priorities will include identifying the infrastructure needed for hydrogen and carbon capture and storage...

15 Nov 2021 By
Welcome spending plans should “support a more stable national infrastructure planning cycle”
View of Manchester city centre

Welcome spending plans should “support a more stable national infrastructure planning cycle”

Responding to today’s Budget and Spending Review, Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: “With reasonable capital settlements for key areas including local transport outside London, and an increase in the guidelines for projected infrastructure spending for the long term, these announcements indicate a government keen to support a more stable national...

27 Oct 2021 By
Commission to investigate surface water flooding risks
Car driving through floodwater

Commission to investigate surface water flooding risks

The government has asked the independent National Infrastructure Commission to investigate how the risks of surface water flooding can be better managed, following a spate of inland flooding incidents in recent months.  The Commission will seek to identify improvements needed to England’s drainage systems to manage and mitigate surface water flooding in both urban and rural areas.  Surface water flooding is the most common flood...

27 Oct 2021 By
“The priority now is to get on with it”: Sir John Armitt responds to government’s net zero strategies
Three Windmills on green hills in front of a stormy sky

“The priority now is to get on with it”: Sir John Armitt responds to government’s net zero strategies

The government has today (19 October 2021) published a number of documents setting out commitments to support the transition to a lower carbon economy. Responding to publication of the Heat and Buildings Strategy, Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: “Kick starting the heat pump market to reduce costs for households to...

19 Oct 2021 By
Fundamental shift in funding to local level needed to help level up English towns
Wetherby from the air

Fundamental shift in funding to local level needed to help level up English towns

Levelling up towns will require a shift in government’s approach from announcing multiple ringfenced pots of money – many of which councils must compete over – to instead handing power to local areas to deliver their own infrastructure strategies with five-year devolved budgets, according to the UK’s official infrastructure advisers. In a report launched today...

23 Sep 2021 By

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