Historic Water Dataset


Selected data on Britain's water sector spanning back as far as 1961

Published: Tagged: Water & Floods


The Commission has curated a historical water and wastewater dataset to help build a more comprehensive picture of the UK's water industry and identify trends.

The Commission asked ICS Consultants, with the help of Professor John W. Sawkins of Herriot-Watt University and Professor David S. Saal of Loughborough University, to collate water and wastewater statistics from before a time where records were digitised. The resulting statistics from the pre-privatisation era are presented here and are available for all to download.

The data presented is up to date at the time of publication. Both Ofwat and DiscoverWater publish regular updates to this data.

Historic water data

All of the water data shown above, and more, is available to download here

Download data files

Historic water data report

Report prepared by ICS consultants for the commission, includes additional detail and background information supporting the datasets shared above.

View the report