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James Heath speech to WEETF on delivering Gigabit-capable broadband
Close up picture of glowing glass fibres

James Heath speech to WEETF on delivering Gigabit-capable broadband

The following remarks were shared by the Commission’s Chief Executive James Heath at a WEETF eForum event on 2 November on the theme of ‘Delivering Gigabit-capable full-fibre broadband’.  “I should start off by declaring an interest. Before I joined the National Infrastructure Commission, I worked at DCMS and was involved in designing the government’s broadband...

2 Nov 2021 By
Welcome spending plans should “support a more stable national infrastructure planning cycle”
View of Manchester city centre

Welcome spending plans should “support a more stable national infrastructure planning cycle”

Responding to today’s Budget and Spending Review, Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: “With reasonable capital settlements for key areas including local transport outside London, and an increase in the guidelines for projected infrastructure spending for the long term, these announcements indicate a government keen to support a more stable national...

27 Oct 2021 By
Commission to investigate surface water flooding risks
Car driving through floodwater

Commission to investigate surface water flooding risks

The government has asked the independent National Infrastructure Commission to investigate how the risks of surface water flooding can be better managed, following a spate of inland flooding incidents in recent months.  The Commission will seek to identify improvements needed to England’s drainage systems to manage and mitigate surface water flooding in both urban and rural areas.  Surface water flooding is the most common flood...

27 Oct 2021 By
“The priority now is to get on with it”: Sir John Armitt responds to government’s net zero strategies
Three Windmills on green hills in front of a stormy sky

“The priority now is to get on with it”: Sir John Armitt responds to government’s net zero strategies

The government has today (19 October 2021) published a number of documents setting out commitments to support the transition to a lower carbon economy. Responding to publication of the Heat and Buildings Strategy, Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: “Kick starting the heat pump market to reduce costs for households to...

19 Oct 2021 By
In sight but out of mind: designing infrastructure to support mental health
Bridge in Bedford

In sight but out of mind: designing infrastructure to support mental health

An opinion piece by Ann Zhang, economist at Frontier Economics and Chair of the Commission’s Young Professionals Panel. A Breath of fresh air: Green space and mental health If there is one lesson that lockdown has taught me, (aside from the fact I will never be a star baker), it is that access to green...

13 Oct 2021 By
Fundamental shift in funding to local level needed to help level up English towns
Wetherby from the air

Fundamental shift in funding to local level needed to help level up English towns

Levelling up towns will require a shift in government’s approach from announcing multiple ringfenced pots of money – many of which councils must compete over – to instead handing power to local areas to deliver their own infrastructure strategies with five-year devolved budgets, according to the UK’s official infrastructure advisers. In a report launched today...

23 Sep 2021 By
Government accepts Commission’s recommendations for better resilience
London's flood barrier on river Thames and Canary Wharf

Government accepts Commission’s recommendations for better resilience

The government has today (15 September 2021) published its formal response to the Commission’s 2020 study on resilience, Anticipate, react, recover – Resilient infrastructure systems. This study called for a new framework for resilience which anticipates future shocks and stresses; improves actions to resist, absorb and recover from them by testing for vulnerabilities; values resilience...

15 Sep 2021 By
Hydrogen strategy “an important milestone” but clarity on costs needed soon
Graphic image of hydrogen molecules

Hydrogen strategy “an important milestone” but clarity on costs needed soon

The Commission has welcomed today’s publication (17 August 2021) of the government’s UK hydrogen strategy and associated consultations, noting that the outcomes of the latter will need to address the challenges of reducing the cost of hydrogen production and ensuring a fair distribution of those costs. Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission,...

17 Aug 2021 By
Government responds to Commission’s study on future of freight
UK Mail lorry on the viaduct

Government responds to Commission’s study on future of freight

The government has today (4 August 2021) published its formal response to the Commission’s 2019 study, Better delivery: the challenge for freight. This study found that through the adoption of new technologies and the recognition of freight’s needs in the planning system, it is possible to decarbonise road and rail freight by 2050 and manage...

4 Aug 2021 By
Government must get UK ahead of the game in crucial engineered removals sector
The UK from a satellite

Government must get UK ahead of the game in crucial engineered removals sector

The UK government must commit to the wide-scale deployment of new greenhouse gas removal technologies by 2030 in order to meet its climate change obligations, according to a report by the National Infrastructure Commission.  The report sets out how the engineered removal and storage of carbon dioxide offers the most realistic way to mitigate the final slice of emissions expected to remain by the 2040s from sources...

29 Jul 2021 By
The long term role of cars in towns
Blurred silhouettes of cars surrounded by steam from the exhaust pipes

The long term role of cars in towns

An opinion piece by Mike Davis, Consultant Engineer at E4Tech, and Jo Garvey-Rae, Senior Cost Manager at Turner & Townsend, both members of the Commission’s Young Professionals Panel. The last 12 months has seen a renewed recognition that some towns and places are being left behind, both in terms of productivity and wider quality of...

28 Jul 2021 By
Can local energy planning help solve ‘double challenge’ of net zero and levelling up?
Modern white radiator with thermostat reduced to economy mode

Can local energy planning help solve ‘double challenge’ of net zero and levelling up?

An opinion piece by Cissie Liu, senior regulation analyst at SSE Plc and Mike Davis, chartered engineer and a senior consultant at E4tech; both members of the Commission’s Young Professionals Panel (YPP). Background The Commission’s YPP has committed to explore decarbonisation and levelling up as our two key themes for 2021, as both have a...

28 Jul 2021 By
Climate resilience focus welcomed in proposed water strategic policy statement
Close up of chrome tap, water running

Climate resilience focus welcomed in proposed water strategic policy statement

The National Infrastructure Commission has welcomed aspects of the draft Strategic Policy Statement for Ofwat, published today (22 July 2021). The statement sets out the government’s strategic priorities and expectations for Ofwat’s regulation of the water sector in England. Giles Stevens, Director of Policy at the National Infrastructure Commission, said: “Strategic policy statements play an...

22 Jul 2021 By
We must press the accelerator on transport decarbonisation
Buses at a busy bus station

We must press the accelerator on transport decarbonisation

An opinion piece by Caroline Bryce, Asset Management Adviser at Mott MacDonald and member of the Commission’s Young Professionals Panel. The UK announced its sixth Carbon Budget earlier this year, committing to reducing emissions by 78 per cent by 2035 compared to 1990 levels. The government expects to achieve this target through investing and capitalising...

20 Jul 2021 By
Commission responds to net zero transport plans
A picture of the port of Dover from the air

Commission responds to net zero transport plans

The government’s Transport Decarbonisation Plan was published on 14 July 2021, with the initial announcement including confirmation that government will consult on a 2035 date for ending the sale of new diesel and petrol vans, and a 2040 date for ending the sale of new larger HGVs. Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure...

14 Jul 2021 By

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