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Young infrastructure professionals test top ten proposals for driving change
A picture showing different sized gears

Young infrastructure professionals test top ten proposals for driving change

Our Young Professionals Panel considers the government’s National Infrastructure Strategy and Budget and puts forward its top ten recommendations in response to the Strategy and the Commission’s recent Annual Monitoring Report.

15 Mar 2021 By
Looking back at transport development
A Princess Coronation (Duchess) class express steam locomotive steaming fast up the west coast main line on the fringes of the English Lake District. A car travelling in the opposite direction is on the adjacent M6 motorway.

Looking back at transport development

If you’re reading this, you’ll probably know we recently launched our data pages, an area of our website which provides you with easy access to the data we have used, and data we think you’ll find interesting. As promised in our launch blog, we have now added our historic transport datasets which you can find...

12 Mar 2021 By
Valuing natural capital in infrastructure
View across Pegwell Bay Marsh

Valuing natural capital in infrastructure

This week, government has launched a consultation on its draft policy statement on five environmental principles, to be enshrined in the Environment Bill. The announcement follows hot on the heels of last month’s publication of the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity. This landmark report made a decisive link between the economy and nature, suggesting...

11 Mar 2021 By
James Heath speech to CBI Infrastructure Board
James Heath

James Heath speech to CBI Infrastructure Board

The Commission’s chief executive spoke to members of the Confederation of British Industry’s Infrastructure Board today, offering reflections on the government’s National Infrastructure Strategy, the Commission’s priorities for 2021 as set out in our Annual Monitoring Report, and to look ahead to some of the long term infrastructure challenges that the Commission is likely to...

4 Mar 2021 By
Commission welcomes next steps on UK infrastructure bank
Image showing business professionals signing a contract

Commission welcomes next steps on UK infrastructure bank

The National Infrastructure Commission has welcomed the announcement in today’s Budget on next steps for the creation of a UK infrastructure bank, based in Leeds. Julia Prescot, Commissioner, said: “We welcome the progress towards establishing an infrastructure bank, as recommended by the Commission. The bank can play a key role in catalysing the investment needed...

3 Mar 2021 By
New study on infrastructure in towns
View of streets and houses British residential area from the air.

New study on infrastructure in towns

In its 2021 Budget, the government asked the Commission to undertake a new study looking specifically at the role of infrastructure in helping towns and urban areas outside major cities. The new study will have a particular focus on the role of transport and digital infrastructure in boosting economic regeneration and levelling up. More details...

3 Mar 2021 By
Maintaining operability of highly renewable electricity system possible at little additional cost
A wind turbine and electricity pylon

Maintaining operability of highly renewable electricity system possible at little additional cost

Concerns about operating the electricity networks when there are high levels of renewables generation can be overcome without significant costs to the consumer through effective deployment of existing and emerging technologies, according to analysis from the National Infrastructure Commission. The existing electricity network was designed around generation from coal, nuclear and gas-powered generation. Increasing the...

24 Feb 2021 By
Learning the lessons for a highly renewable future
Solar panels on a field

Learning the lessons for a highly renewable future

The last few months have been a busy time for UK energy policy. The government published its long awaited Energy White Paper, The Climate Change Committee produced its 1,000 pages of advice to the government on the level of the next carbon budget, and HM Treasury published its interim report on the costs of the...

24 Feb 2021 By
Commission welcomes next steps on Oxford-Cambridge Arc

Commission welcomes next steps on Oxford-Cambridge Arc

The National Infrastructure Commission has welcomed government’s announcement of next steps in developing a spatial framework for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc. The Commission explored the potential of the Arc and made recommendations for how to maximise the economic opportunities for local communities and businesses in a major study published in 2017. This week, government set out...

19 Feb 2021 By
Plans of action needed next to deliver strategic goals, says Commission
Montage of images representing infrastructure, including a woman charging an electric vehicle and a man wearing a mask using public transport

Plans of action needed next to deliver strategic goals, says Commission

Detailed plans for decarbonising energy supply, accelerating the roll out of electric vehicle charge points and connecting hard to reach areas with high capacity broadband are among the next steps needed to ensure government can deliver its aims for levelling up and meeting the net zero target, according to the National Infrastructure Commission. The Commission’s...

17 Feb 2021 By
‘Aim for gain’ to support natural capital assets
The Severn Crossing behind a meadow of wildflowers

‘Aim for gain’ to support natural capital assets

Infrastructure developments should aim to leave the environment in a measurably better condition than before to reinforce steps already being taken to protect the UK’s diminishing natural resources, according to a discussion paper published today by the National Infrastructure Commission. Adopting this approach to ‘environmental net gain’ would help ensure losses of high value natural...

5 Feb 2021 By
Call for evidence opens on potential of greenhouse gas removal infrastructure to boost UK net zero strategy
Drax Power Station at sunset, near Selby North Yorkshire

Call for evidence opens on potential of greenhouse gas removal infrastructure to boost UK net zero strategy

The National Infrastructure Commission is inviting businesses, policy makers, scientists, academics, thinktanks and investors to share their views on the potential of emerging technologies designed to remove harmful greenhouse gas emissions directly from the atmosphere and store them. The Commission has today launched a new call for evidence as part of its study examining how...

20 Jan 2021 By
Focus rail investment on linking key cities in North and Midlands to unlock economic benefits, says Commission
Image showing departure boards at Leeds station.

Focus rail investment on linking key cities in North and Midlands to unlock economic benefits, says Commission

Improving rail links between cities in the North and Midlands should be the first priority of a new approach to end stop-start investments and help level up the UK as part of a wider economic strategy, according to a major new report by the National Infrastructure Commission. The Commission was asked by the Prime Minister in February 2020 to undertake an assessment of proposed major rail schemes to help inform the government’s...

15 Dec 2020 By
Commission response to government’s National Infrastructure Strategy
Portrait of Sir John Armitt

Commission response to government’s National Infrastructure Strategy

Alongside today’s Spending Review, the government has published a National Infrastructure Strategy and a detailed response to the National Infrastructure Commission’s landmark Assessment published in 2018. Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: “Publication of the UK’s first ever National Infrastructure Strategy is an important moment, given the vital role infrastructure can...

25 Nov 2020 By
Professor Sadie Morgan response to National Infrastructure Strategy commitments on design
Portrait of Sadie Morgan 2017

Professor Sadie Morgan response to National Infrastructure Strategy commitments on design

Today’s National Infrastructure Strategy includes government commitments to increase emphasis on the quality of design in infrastructure projects. Some of the ways government intends to do this is set out in a detailed annex (1.183 – 1.187, p41 of this document) which responds to the National Infrastructure Commission’s recommendations on infrastructure design and the Design...

25 Nov 2020 By

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