National Infrastructure Assessment   |   Study

Measuring infrastructure performance

Creating performance measures for national infrastructure that do not yet exist.

Tagged: National Infrastructure Assessment

Measuring the quality of the UK’s current infrastructure systems can reliably inform the assessment of the UK’s future infrastructure needs, and in turn enable the delivery of high quality infrastructure.
This annex sets out how the National Infrastructure Commission intends to fill gaps by developing performance measures that do not yet exist, including measures linked to design quality and resilience. The measures in the framework are not a definitive list, and the Commission expects to update them over time as new measures are developed or better data becomes available.
The annex also provides further detail on consultation responses received in the interim National Infrastructure Assessment, Congestion, Capacity, Carbon: Priorities for National Infrastructure.

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View of Manchester city centre

Status: Analysis

National Infrastructure Assessment

An assessment of the United Kingdom's infrastructure needs to 2050 and beyond.

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