Congestion, Capacity, Carbon – priorities for national infrastructure
The interim first National Infrastructure Assessment, helping shape the Commission's final Assessment report.
The interim National Infrastructure Assessment examines seven key areas, and sets out the vision and priorities for helping meet the country’s needs up to 2050.
Those seven areas are:
- Building a digital society
- Connected, liveable city-regions
- Infrastructure to support housing
- Eliminating carbon emissions from energy and waste
- A revolution in road transport
- Reducing the risk of drought and flooding
- Financing and funding infrastructure in efficient ways
The deadline for responses to the consultation is 12 January 2018.

Status: Completed
National Infrastructure Assessment 1
An assessment of the United Kingdom's infrastructure needs up to 2050.
Reports & StudiesDesign & Funding Digital & Data Energy & Net Zero Environment National Infrastructure Assessment Place Regulation & Resilience Transport Water & Floods
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Congestion, Capacity, Carbon – modelling annex and data
The modelling behind the interim National Infrastructure Assessment, Congestion, Capacity, Carbon – priorities for national infrastructure.
Lord Adonis’ speech at launch of Congestion, Capacity, Carbon – priorities for national infrastructure
The speech below was given by Lord Adonis at the launch of the interim National Infrastructure Assessment, Congestion, Capacity, Carbon – priorities for national infrastructure. The speech below was delivered at Birmingham City University on 13 October 2017.

Interim (2015) National Infrastructure Assessment: Water Modelling
Data on demand and supply of water, and modelled projections.

Interim (2015) National Infrastructure Assessment: Solid Waste Modelling
Data on volumes of solid waste produced, and modelled projections.

Interim (2015) National Infrastructure Assessment: Transport Modelling
Data on road and rail traffic, and modelled projections.

Interim (2015) National Infrastructure Assessment: Energy Modelling
Data on electricity demand and consumption, and modelled projections.