Electricity system modelling
Aurora Energy Research data modelling of the UK electricity system
Tagged: Energy & Net Zero
Aurora Energy Research was commissioned to produce new data modelling of the UK electricity system which supports the report Net Zero: Opportunities for the power sector.
This document explains the background methodology adopted by Aurora for this work. The seven modelling datasets are:
- Input assumptions
- H2 electrolysis – annual
- BECCS baseload – annual
- Electricity system – annual
- H2 reformation – annual
- BECCS – flexible
- Electricity system 65 per cent RES in 2030 – annual
The data files in this zip file contain the half hourly results from the modelling for the scenarios analysed.
Status: Completed
Net zero: Opportunities for the power sector
The electricity system and the 2050 net zero target
Reports & StudiesEnergy & Net Zero Environment