Transport for a world city

The future need for large scale transport infrastructure in London and surrounding regions.


This study looks at the capital city's transport infrastructure and what is needed to ensure London remains a world-class economic hub. It concludes that Crossrail 2 should be taken forward as a priority by the government and the Mayor of London.

The Commission’s final report – Transport for a world city – concludes that, subject to the recommendations within the report, is that Crossrail 2 should be taken forward as a priority. Furthermore, funding should be made available to develop the scheme fully, with the aim of Crossrail 2 opening in 2033.

The final report makes a number of practical recommendations to deliver this outcome. First, sufficient development funds should be released for Transport for London (TfL) and the Department for Transport (DfT) to prepare a hybrid Bill for Crossrail 2, beginning with a revised business case.

Secondly, in developing that business case, it is crucial that Transport for London and the Department for Transport should identify clear proposals to maximise its benefits and increase deliverability of the scheme.

Final Report

Transport for a world city

The Commission’s report recommends a ‘Crossrail 2’ line for London be taken forward as a priority, as part of broader investment in the capital’s transport.

Download the full report

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