Design & Funding

More efficient use of public and private money combined with sound design principles will deliver better outcomes for society.


Footbridge and sunset

The Commission’s own recommendations are made within a ‘fiscal remit’ set by government. This currently provides a long term funding guideline for public investment in economic infrastructure of 1.1 – 1.3 per cent of GDP for the period 2025 – 55.

Around half of the infrastructure investment in the UK is financed and delivered by the private sector, with the cost eventually passed through to consumers and business. The Commission’s recommendations recognise that all major projects will come at a cost that needs to be carefully assessed against the full range of realistic benefits.

The Commission’s work seeks to understand what factors drive private investment in infrastructure and how the infrastructure industry is evolving, and to use this insight to advise government.

Commission analysis for the Second National Infrastructure Assessment indicates that overall investment needs to increase from an average of around £55 billion per year over the last decade (that’s around ten per cent of UK investment) to around £70 to 80 billion per year in the 2030s and £60 to £70 billion per year in the 2040s. It’s a significant increase and one that will be challenging to deliver; but the Commission believes it is what is required to achieve low carbon and resilient infrastructure that supports economic growth and protects the environment.

The Commission also works to encourage the adoption of sound design principles throughout the project lifecycle that will help save money, reduce risk, add value, support environmental net gain and create a legacy that looks good and works well. In its response to the first National Infrastructure Assessment, the government committed to ensuring there is a design champion on all new major infrastructure projects, in line with Commission recommendations.

The Second National Infrastructure Assessment included a recommendation that the Design Group will work with the Infrastructure and Projects authority to develop further guidance explaning how design leaders should develop and embed project design specific principles. This project-level guidance on applying the principles to each stage of a project life cycle was published in May 2024.

Design & funding data

A range of data sets relating to infrastructure design and funding is available to review on our Data pages. This includes data sets used in Commission reports, as well as historic data sets. Each can be reviewed online or downloaded.

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Latest Updates

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