Energy & Net Zero

New renewable energy infrastructure is central to delivering a low cost, zero carbon future.


Solar panels on a field


Infrastructure delivers power and heat to homes and businesses.

Our current energy system, which is still largely based on fossil fuels like natural gas, contributes to climate change. In 2021, around 30 per cent of UK greenhouse gas emissions come from generating electricity and heating buildings.
Switching to renewable electricity sources, upgrading electricity networks to support increased electrification, deploying charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, and changing the way we heat our homes are historic shifts. They present both challenges and opportunities for government and industry.
The Commission advises government on how to best support and regulate the energy sector to deliver the changes necessary for meeting the UK’s net zero goals.
The Commission has an objective to support the transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Reaching this target was one of the three strategic themes that shaped the Commission’s work in the Second National Infrastructure Assessment.
The second Assessment makes a series of recommendations in response to four key challenges in energy and reaching net zero:

  • the further decarbonisation of the electricity system
  • creating a viable path for heat decarbonisation
  • enabling the rapid rollout of electric vehicles
  • funding and delivering the new networks needed for hydrogen and carbon capture and storage.

Energy & net zero data

A range of energy and net zero related datasets is available to review on our Data pages. This includes data sets used in Commission reports, as well as historic data sets. Each can be reviewed online or downloaded. 

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Latest Updates

Go big where it counts to hit economic and climate goals, says Commission
Front cover image from IPR

Go big where it counts to hit economic and climate goals, says Commission

Government must develop stronger staying power and focus on fewer, bigger, better targeted initiatives to deliver the infrastructure needed to meet its long term goals for economic growth and a lower carbon economy, the UK’s independent advisers on infrastructure have said. The last year has seen progress towards major infrastructure objectives “stutter further just as...

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Infrastructure Progress Review 2023
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Infrastructure Progress Review 2023

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27 Mar 2023
Response to Spring Budget: Welcome moves on devolution and CCUS
Sir John Armitt Profile Image

Response to Spring Budget: Welcome moves on devolution and CCUS

Responding to today’s Spring Budget, Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: Devolution and local transport “Today’s confirmation of extensions to City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements and multi year single settlements for the West Midlands and Greater Manchester are big strides forward for devolution. “But trailblazers only warrant the name if others...

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Commission to review major projects planning policy
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Commission to review major projects planning policy

The National Infrastructure Commission has been asked to review the current approach to National Policy Statements (NPSs) and identify how the planning system could create greater certainty for infrastructure investors, developers and local communities. The independent advisory body has been commissioned to undertake the review as government prepares to publish an Action Plan on Nationally...

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Armitt: Skidmore Net Zero report “nails argument that inaction now will cost us all in the long run”
Field of solar panels against a blue sky

Armitt: Skidmore Net Zero report “nails argument that inaction now will cost us all in the long run”

The Commission has welcomed Mission Zero, an independent review by Chris Skidmore MP on government’s approach to delivering its legally binding net zero target, specifically “how to deliver and implement most effectively and efficiently a plan for our future energy transition”. Chris Skidmore’s report, published today (13 January 2023), highlights the centrality of transforming the...

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James Heath: Is the cost-of-living crisis an infrastructure crisis?
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James Heath: Is the cost-of-living crisis an infrastructure crisis?

James Heath, Chief Executive of the National Infrastructure Commission, spoke at the London Infrastructure Summit today (10 November 2022) organised by BusinessLDN. In his remarks, James reflects on the challenges facing infrastructure sectors as they decarbonise, in particular the need for significant capital investment against a backdrop of economic constraints. James sets out the conditions...

10 Nov 2022 By
Armitt: Exit strategy from fossil fuels will boost energy security and lower household costs

Armitt: Exit strategy from fossil fuels will boost energy security and lower household costs

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Planning changes “need to put wind in the sails” of major infrastructure projects
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Planning changes “need to put wind in the sails” of major infrastructure projects

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Charge point access remains key to expanding EV rollout
A close up of a car using a public EV chargepoint

Charge point access remains key to expanding EV rollout

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Act now to secure energy and climate security, NIC and CCC advise new Prime Minister
Woman turning on an electric kettle

Act now to secure energy and climate security, NIC and CCC advise new Prime Minister

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Government response endorses Commission vision for greenhouse gas removals

Government response endorses Commission vision for greenhouse gas removals

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James Heath’s speech to Utility Week Live: climate adaptation and resilience
Electricity pylon against a cloudy sky

James Heath’s speech to Utility Week Live: climate adaptation and resilience

The Commission’s Chief Executive, James Heath, today (17 May 2022) gave a keynote address at Utility Week Live on climate adaptation and resilience. The session, held at the Birmingham NEC, explored utilities’ approaches to adaptation planning and how they are seeking to build resilience to respond to the impacts of climate change already present, as...

17 May 2022 By
Commission welcomes “scale of ambition” of Energy Security Strategy
A pylon and electricity lines into the distance

Commission welcomes “scale of ambition” of Energy Security Strategy

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Adverse weather scenarios for future electricity systems: project overview
Women dealing with stormy weather

Adverse weather scenarios for future electricity systems: project overview

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17 Mar 2022
Adverse weather scenarios for future electricity systems: short wind ramping events dataset
Picture of storm clouds

Adverse weather scenarios for future electricity systems: short wind ramping events dataset

Latest report from our project with the Met Office and the Committee on Climate Change on modelling changing weather patterns to better understand their potential impact on future electricity generation.

17 Mar 2022

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