National Infrastructure Assessment 1   |   Report

Infrastructure and digital systems resilience

Exploring the resilience implications of increasing digital connections between infrastructure systems.

Tagged: Digital & DataNational Infrastructure AssessmentRegulation & Resilience

The Commission appointed Arup and University College London to undertake a short scoping study exploring the resilience implications of increasing digital connections between infrastructure systems. This study is intended to inform the National Infrastructure Assessment and focuses on the potential for increased digital connectivity to lead to system-level disruption.
The production of this report was supported by a literature review and practitioner workshops; in addition a series of report appendices are available. The report provides a first step and will be discussed with the infrastructure community to explore how the work can be taken further so that increased resilience can be prioritised as part of the the digital transformation of infrastructure systems.

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Man among huge solar power plant

Status:  Completed

National Infrastructure Assessment 1

An assessment of the United Kingdom's infrastructure needs up to 2050.

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