Energy & Net Zero

New renewable energy infrastructure is central to delivering a low cost, zero carbon future.


Solar panels on a field


Infrastructure delivers power and heat to homes and businesses.

Our current energy system, which is still largely based on fossil fuels like natural gas, contributes to climate change. In 2021, around 30 per cent of UK greenhouse gas emissions come from generating electricity and heating buildings.
Switching to renewable electricity sources, upgrading electricity networks to support increased electrification, deploying charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, and changing the way we heat our homes are historic shifts. They present both challenges and opportunities for government and industry.
The Commission advises government on how to best support and regulate the energy sector to deliver the changes necessary for meeting the UK’s net zero goals.
The Commission has an objective to support the transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Reaching this target was one of the three strategic themes that shaped the Commission’s work in the Second National Infrastructure Assessment.
The second Assessment makes a series of recommendations in response to four key challenges in energy and reaching net zero:

  • the further decarbonisation of the electricity system
  • creating a viable path for heat decarbonisation
  • enabling the rapid rollout of electric vehicles
  • funding and delivering the new networks needed for hydrogen and carbon capture and storage.

Energy & net zero data

A range of energy and net zero related datasets is available to review on our Data pages. This includes data sets used in Commission reports, as well as historic data sets. Each can be reviewed online or downloaded. 

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Latest Updates

Adverse weather scenarios for future electricity systems: long duration events
Picture showing storm clouds over the Isle of Wight

Adverse weather scenarios for future electricity systems: long duration events

28 Jun 2021
James Richardson speech to WEETF event on the hydrogen economy
Graphic image of hydrogen molecules

James Richardson speech to WEETF event on the hydrogen economy

The following remarks were given by our Chief Economist James Richardson at the Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum event on Creating the hydrogen economy, which took place earlier today. “Hydrogen seems to inspire equal parts optimism and scepticism. Perhaps that’s only to be expected from a new technology. But I thought it would be...

26 May 2021 By
Welcome boost for electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Close up of a charger plugged into an electric vehicle

Welcome boost for electric vehicle charging infrastructure

The energy regulator Ofgem has today announced £300m of investment to ensure the UK has the energy infrastructure necessary to support the move to low carbon transport and heating while maintaining secure supplies. This includes new infrastructure to support 1,800 new ultra-rapid charging points at motorway service areas. In response, a National Infrastructure Commission spokesperson...

24 May 2021 By
Maintaining operability of highly renewable electricity system possible at little additional cost
A wind turbine and electricity pylon

Maintaining operability of highly renewable electricity system possible at little additional cost

Concerns about operating the electricity networks when there are high levels of renewables generation can be overcome without significant costs to the consumer through effective deployment of existing and emerging technologies, according to analysis from the National Infrastructure Commission. The existing electricity network was designed around generation from coal, nuclear and gas-powered generation. Increasing the...

24 Feb 2021 By
Learning the lessons for a highly renewable future
Solar panels on a field

Learning the lessons for a highly renewable future

The last few months have been a busy time for UK energy policy. The government published its long awaited Energy White Paper, The Climate Change Committee produced its 1,000 pages of advice to the government on the level of the next carbon budget, and HM Treasury published its interim report on the costs of the...

24 Feb 2021 By
Research into renewable electricity systems – Baringa
Offshore wind power and energy farm with many wind turbines on the ocean. Sustainable electricity production

Research into renewable electricity systems – Baringa

24 Feb 2021
Operability of highly renewable electricity systems
Three Windmills on green hills in front of a stormy sky

Operability of highly renewable electricity systems

A highly renewable electricity system can maintain a stable supply without adding significantly to the costs of generation.

23 Feb 2021
Plans of action needed next to deliver strategic goals, says Commission
Montage of images representing infrastructure, including a woman charging an electric vehicle and a man wearing a mask using public transport

Plans of action needed next to deliver strategic goals, says Commission

Detailed plans for decarbonising energy supply, accelerating the roll out of electric vehicle charge points and connecting hard to reach areas with high capacity broadband are among the next steps needed to ensure government can deliver its aims for levelling up and meeting the net zero target, according to the National Infrastructure Commission. The Commission’s...

17 Feb 2021 By
Annual Monitoring Report 2021
Montage of images representing infrastructure, including a woman charging an electric vehicle and a man wearing a mask using public transport

Annual Monitoring Report 2021

Our annual assessment of the government’s progress in delivering infrastructure projects and programmes recommended by the Commission.

17 Feb 2021
Characterising adverse weather for the UK electricity system
Large Waves Breaking Against Sea Wall At Dawlish In Devon

Characterising adverse weather for the UK electricity system

14 Dec 2020
“A vital step and important signal”: Armitt responds to government plans for ‘green industrial revolution’
A car parked in a bay reserved for charging electric vehicles

“A vital step and important signal”: Armitt responds to government plans for ‘green industrial revolution’

Responding to today’s announcement by the Prime Minister on government plans for a ‘green industrial revolution’, Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, said: “A 2030 deadline for the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans is a vital step to help the UK meet our net zero target. It’s an...

18 Nov 2020 By
James Heath: Getting the evidence in place for key decisions on low carbon heat
Man turning on a British Combi Gas Boiler

James Heath: Getting the evidence in place for key decisions on low carbon heat

James Heath, Chief Executive of the National Infrastructure Commission, addressed Utility Week’s ‘Build Back Better’ Forum today (21 October 2020). His speech explored the policy decisions and investment needed to harness the full potential of low carbon heat, setting out the range of evidence that will be required to ensure effective decisions to address the...

21 Oct 2020 By
Historic Energy Datasets
Offshore wind power and energy farm with many wind turbines on the ocean. Sustainable electricity production

Historic Energy Datasets

The Commission's Historic Energy Dataset provides data on the UK’s energy history spanning back as far as the year 1700.

2 Oct 2020
Renewables, Recovery, and Reaching Net Zero
An electricity pylon at dusk

Renewables, Recovery, and Reaching Net Zero

Datasets including modelled projections of electricity system costs, consumer bills, capital investments and energy generation.

11 Aug 2020
Renewables, recovery, and reaching net zero
Electricity pylon against the evening sky

Renewables, recovery, and reaching net zero

11 Aug 2020

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