Theme: National Infrastructure Assessment

thumbnail of NIC_Resilience_Scoping_Paper_Consultation_Summary

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Summary of responses to initial consultation on resilience
thumbnail of NIC_Resilience_Scoping_Paper_Consultation_Summary

Summary of responses to initial consultation on resilience

13 Sep 2019
Evaluating the performance of private financing and traditional procurement
thumbnail of Evaluating the Performance of Private Financing and Traditional Procurement July 2019

Evaluating the performance of private financing and traditional procurement

26 Jul 2019
Weather and climate change risks in a highly renewable UK energy system
Thunderstorm over UK homes

Weather and climate change risks in a highly renewable UK energy system

2 Jul 2019
Letter to the Chancellor on four tests for a successful National Infrastructure Strategy

Letter to the Chancellor on four tests for a successful National Infrastructure Strategy

National Infrastructure Commission Chair Sir John Armitt has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to set out four tests which the forthcoming National Infrastructure Strategy will need to meet, in order to deliver the ambitious, long-term vision for the UK’s infrastructure set out in the National Infrastructure Assessment. These are: A long term perspective – the...

13 May 2019 By
Post-Assessment survey of external stakeholders
thumbnail of Post-publication feedback survey of NIA external stakeholders

Post-Assessment survey of external stakeholders

19 Mar 2019
Lessons Learnt: reviewing the process of the first National Infrastructure Assessment
thumbnail of Final NIA Lessons Learned March 2019

Lessons Learnt: reviewing the process of the first National Infrastructure Assessment

19 Mar 2019
Measuring infrastructure performance
London Underground train in platform

Measuring infrastructure performance

14 Dec 2018
Performance measures data
Bus in Bristol picking up passengers

Performance measures data

14 Dec 2018
Three years on: A new chapter for the National Infrastructure Commission
York, UK - August 05, 2013: York railway station where the platforms curve under the famous glass and iron curved arched roof. Train awaits departure to London. Some passengers are waiting train for departure.

Three years on: A new chapter for the National Infrastructure Commission

Like the Queen, the National Infrastructure Commission has two birthdays. The first is 5 October, the day on which George Osborne announced at the 2015 Conservative Party Conference that he was going to follow Sir John Armitt’s advice and set the Commission up (commandeering a key plank of Labour’s economic policy in the process). But...

30 Oct 2018 By
Phase 2 social research
thumbnail of Ipsos MORI – Phase 2 of social research – Final report

Phase 2 social research

Social research on the public's views on infrastructure services, to help inform the first National Infrastructure Assessment.

10 Jul 2018
Infrastructure Spend within the Commission’s Fiscal Remit
A motorway at night showing car headlights

Infrastructure Spend within the Commission’s Fiscal Remit

Data showing the cost of recommendations made as part of the National Infrastructure Assessment.

10 Jul 2018
National Infrastructure Assessment 1
Man among huge solar power plant

National Infrastructure Assessment 1

The National Infrastructure Assessment looks at the United Kingdom’s future economic infrastructure needs up to 2050 and makes key recommendations for how to deliver new transport, low carbon energy and digital networks, how to recycle more and waste less, and how future infrastructure should be paid for.

10 Jul 2018
Study of national infrastructure financing institutions
thumbnail of Eunomia NIC FinalReport – Slide Deck_v1.0 050718

Study of national infrastructure financing institutions

10 Jul 2018
Tidal power
The sea at low tide in Weston-super-Mare in Somerset

Tidal power

10 Jul 2018

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