Environment & waste

Infrastructure can help us protect and enhance our environment and safeguard natural resources in the face of climate change.


Yellow and green wind turbine against countryside backdrop


There is very little of the natural environment in the UK today that has not been shaped or impacted in some way by human activity and the infrastructure that has been put in place to support it.

Although there have been some major improvements (for example, better water quality in major rivers such as the Thames), trends over the last 60 years looking at environmental measures, such as biodiversity, show a clear decline.
Infrastructure will play a significant role in meeting the UK’s target of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or before. The Commission’s work in this area covers the big challenges and opportunities in moving to a low cost, low carbon future for key utilities, as explored in our energy & net zero theme.
The Second National Infrastructure Assessment makes a range of recommendations across the strategic themes of reaching net zero and supporting climate resilience and the environment. Recommendations cover decarbonising energy and heating, reducing the risks from surface water flooding, and how waste management infrastructure can better support a circular economy.
Our work on transport also helps inform policy making that cuts air pollution and seeks to decarbonise both public transport systems and private road transport, while our work on water and floods helps build community resilience in the face of extreme weather patterns. It is vital that major infrastructure projects consider their Impact on the environment at every stage of their planning and design, as reflected in our design principles for national infrastructure.

In the second Assessment we have also, for the first time, undertaken a quantitative and qualitative risk assessment of the impacts of our recommendations on natural capital. If recommended mitigations are implemented and well designed, we are confident that environmental water quality, air quality and biodiversity will all be improved as a result of our recommendations.

Environment & waste data

Data sets relating to environment & waste are available to review on our Data pages. This includes data sets used in Commission reports, as well as historic data sets. Each can be reviewed online or downloaded.

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Latest Updates

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Utility regulators must have new powers if UK is to tackle climate change

The UK will fail to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 if regulators aren’t given new powers to ensure utility companies invest in sustainable infrastructure, according to a report from the National Infrastructure Commission. Chair Sir John Armitt said the UK’s regulatory system must adapt to meet the demands of the future and...

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Climate-proofing the UK’s infrastructure must be a priority (article)
Portrait of Sir John Armitt

Climate-proofing the UK’s infrastructure must be a priority (article)

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Government’s ‘net zero’ pledge highlights urgency of shift to low-carbon economy

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New report highlights difficult – but achievable – steps necessary to deliver zero carbon UK economy

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Ban new diesel HGV sales by 2040 to help make UK freight carbon free

Ministers should ban the sale of new diesel HGV lorries by no later than 2040, a new report by the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) says today. The development of hydrogen and battery HGVs is already well advanced and vehicles are expected to be commercially available in the early 2020s. Sir John Armitt, the Commission chairman,...

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Portrait of Andy Green

UK’s freight is fast & efficient but it needs our help to deliver cleanly

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Report shows need to tackle carbon and congestion caused by ever-greater demands for deliveries

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Performance Measures
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Performance Measures

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Offshore wind turbines at sea

IPCC report shows need for urgent action on climate change

A new report from the InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights the need for urgent action – including on tackling the environmental impact of infrastructure. The report highlights the potential impact of global temperatures rising by more than 1.5C, and urges action including a switch to 80 per cent renewables by 2050, reducing coal use...

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National Infrastructure Assessment 1
Man among huge solar power plant

National Infrastructure Assessment 1

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Interim (2015) National Infrastructure Assessment: Solid Waste Modelling
Recyclable plastic waste

Interim (2015) National Infrastructure Assessment: Solid Waste Modelling

Data on volumes of solid waste produced, and modelled projections.

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The impact of the environment and climate change on future infrastructure supply and demand
Picture of the cover of a report on the environment and climate and impact on infrastructure supply and demand

The impact of the environment and climate change on future infrastructure supply and demand

A paper focused on the environment, forming part of a series looking at the drivers of future infrastructure supply and demand in the UK.

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Costs and benefits of GB interconnection
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Costs and benefits of GB interconnection

Research by Poyry forming part of the supporting evidence for the Smart Power report.

4 Mar 2016

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