Digital & Data

The widespread availability of high quality digital infrastructure is essential to support economic growth and harness the potential of data to improve services, reduce disruptions and limit emissions.


Close up picture of glowing glass fibres


Digital connectivity has become a necessity, linking homes and businesses across the UK with faster and reliable mobile and broadband connections.

Its increasing importance to the functioning of the economy has been shown during the Covid-19 pandemic, with widescale home working highlighting the value of reliable connections.

The Commission therefore advises government on how it can best work alongside industry and Ofcom to support the widespread rollout of new networks – including 5G and gigabit-capable fibre broadband – in order to maximise the value of digital technologies to the economic growth, resilience and people’s lives.

Positive progress has been made: for example, the UK now has superfast broadband availability to 97 per cent of premises; and the Commission’s recent social research found that digital is the sector with the highest public confidence that it will meet their needs over the next thirty years.

Digital solutions can also help infrastructure operators and regulators manage our critical national systems more effectively, while sharing data, with the appropriate security and privacy arrangements, can catalyse innovation and improve the outcomes for users. For instance, artificial intelligence techniques can deliver realtime insights into infrastructure assets and systems, enabling greater efficiency: analysis suggests that artificial intelligence could add over 10 per cent to the UK economy by 2030.

In addition to work on standardising approaches to data collection and sharing, the Commission works with partner bodies to encourage the development of systems which monitor infrastructure in real time and have predictive capability to help manage, predict and understand the UK’s increasingly integrated infrastructure systems.

The Second National Infrastructure Assessment – published in October 2023 – includes recommendations on delivering gigabit capable connectivity, accelerating the market-led deployment of  5G and action to identify the telecommunications needs of different infrastructure sectors.

Data sets for digital & data

A range of data sets relating to the digital and data theme is available to review on our Data pages. This includes data sets used in Commission reports, as well as historic data sets. Each can be reviewed online or downloaded. 

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